Chapter 12 - Do You Not Watch Disney?

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Hello! Sorry for the late post. It's because I was busy with my exams and writer's block. I was able to finish it though. I hope you'll like this one. xx

Chapter  12–Do You Not Watch Disney?

It has been a week since Andrew was released from the hospital. It has also been a dreadful week for me. I felt like I really, really want to back out of this wedding. Preparing for such an event is far more exhausting than preparing for our annual school play when I was in high school. If you don’t know how exhausting to prepare an annual school play, you’re lucky.

Most women would actually tell you this when preparing for their own wedding: It is exhausting but exciting, probably for their case, but in my case? No! Andrew and I were just forced into this. We’re actually listing down our rules for this marriage. Of course, it’s our secret. Our parents would go mad if they’d find out.

Our rule is basic. It’s like we’re faking a relationship—being husband and wife. But then again, the wedding ceremony would be real and that our family and friends knew we never had any romantic relationship. Though, our parents would like to believe we have not ever had. Me being  stubborn is kind of genetic I should say.

Today, Andrew started to look for a job here in our place. Going back to our university’s city would be a bother even though we’ve got a pretty good job offers. It’s just too far if ever we could both get hired and the preparation for our wedding would be there. I’ve also sent some resumes out online to some of the advertising companies around the vicinity.

“Christie?” A knock on my door pulled me back to reality. It was my mom, definitely. “Come down here, Grace, the wedding organizer is here.”

“Just a minute.” I answered, loud enough for her to hear me. I stood up from my bed and shut my laptop down. I ran a hand through my red hair before heading out of my room.

As soon as I emerged down the living room, I have found a brunette girl seating on the sofa in front of my mom and Fatima. They immediately looked at my direction as they noticed my presence.

“Christie this is Grace Morgan, the wedding organizer.” Fatima introduced the brunette. I looked at Grace, smiling politely. “Grace, this is Christie, the bride-to-be.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Ms. Williams. You’re beautiful by the way.” Grace remarked as she extended her right hand to me. She was wearing a button up shirt, casual jeans and pointed heels.

“Likewise, Grace.” I told her as I shook her hand. “Just call me Christie.” I added as I let go of her hand and sat beside her at the sofa.

“Shall we start now?” She asked me, looking excited. She looked more excited than I am. Oh, I’m too excited. I could actually wait a decade more for our wedding. I’m that excited.

Few minutes later, she had been starting to babble a lot of things. The motif, theme, number of guests, dress codes, food and so much more. She started throwing me questions as she noticed I wouldn’t start and say: ‘I want my wedding to be like blabla’. She asked me my favourite colour, Andrew’s favourite colour, type of food we liked basically anything she could think of just to get something to start with. I also noticed her taking down notes and nodding at me from time to time.

“I just want it simple, please.” I looked at her pleadingly. She seemed like a nice woman with a happy married life. She looked at me smiling as she nodded. “Let’s say I just want it to be as intimate as possible.”

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