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"Good morning." After hearing those words every morning for years, I still couldn't help but smile.

"Good morning, hubby," I greeted back as I opened my eyes. My hazel eyes locked with his blue eyes. It was the most beautiful thing I always see in the morning. "Happy anniversary. I love you."

"Happy anniversary, wifey," He then kissed my forehead and I closed my eyes once again. His hand then found its way on my face, removing the stray hairs covering it. He then kissed me on the lips which I gladly returned. "I love you."

A knock was then heard on our bedroom door, separating us. We then looked at each other before I decided to get up and opened the door.

There he was, my little boy, Austin, standing in his pyjamas with a huge smile on his face. His hands were behind him as he walked inside our room.

"My boy is up so early, huh?" Andrew smiled as he sat up. He then patted the bed and gestured for our son to sit beside him.

I followed our son and sat on the edge of the bed, pretending I didn't see the paper he was holding behind him.

"Happy anniversary!" He said out loud as he stretched out his hand, presenting us his gift.

Andrew glanced at me and I urged him to take the piece of paper Austin was holding. It was a handmade card and I couldn't help but smile. It was folded into two. The cover has a huge heart with mom & dad written inside. As we flipped the card, written on the right side was "Happy anniversary! I love you!"

"I learned how to make cards last week and teacher told us we could make on for mommy and daddy," He told us proudly. "I remembered it's your anniversary today so I made this one in school."

On the right side of the card was his drawing. I was our family drawing. There was even a label Dad, mom, Austin & Caitlyn. I wouldn't lie that my son's drawing wasn't as great as those of a professional artist but as a mom, it looked like a masterpiece.

"Thank you, Austin." I smiled sweetly at him and he looked up at me, a stray of his black hair fell just between his hazel eyes. He grinned at me and I couldn't help but remember Andrew when he was the same age as Austin. They were like carbon copies of each other except for Austin's hazel orbs which he got from me.

"Come here," I told Austin as I spread out my arms for him to hug. He immediately obeyed and hugged me really tight. I then felt Andrew's arms wrapping both of us. "I love you, Austin."

"What about me?" I quickly snapped my head to the direction of the little voice. There I found my little girl standing by the door. She was still in her pink pyjamas, clutching her bear as she pout in our direction.

"Of course, Mom and Dad loves Caitlyn too," Andrew told our daughter as he removed one arm and gestured for our youngest child to come closer. "Let's have a group hug."

"Caitlyn and teddy loves hugs!" She cheered as she ran towards us.

"I can't breathe," Austin mumbled few seconds later. "Stop pushing your teddy bear on my face!"

Andrew and I immediately pulled away from our hug. I then caught Caitlyn putting her tongue out at Austin's direction. I then gave her a warning look.  "Caitlyn"

Caitlyn immediately stopped what she was doing and shifted her gaze on the floor. Her reddish brown hair was a sticking in all directions. She then looked up to me, pouting as her blue eyes were blinking at me.

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