| Chapter 11 |

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Even though the school festival is an entire month away, that doesn't stop Hairo from being overly excitable. Somehow, he's managed to keep up his energy for what feels like hours, standing in front of the class, trying to figure things out. Like most of the class, I don't have the energy to keep up with the excited athlete. I mean, it's no wonder why his suggestion for everyone to make an absurd amount of paper cranes was shot down almost immediately. That's just too much to ask for anyone talking school and work or clubs – well anyone but Hairo with his boundless energy.

It looks like our class may thankfully fight for a lazier display. A quick glance at the board shows me the top ideas right now. Hairo's cranes – that no one wants. Kokomi's planetarium, which honestly sounds like a really cool idea. There's also talk of a rock display, but judging by Hairo's deflated look right now, I doubt that'll go over well.

On the bright side, all of this discussion has been giving me ample time to work on my doodling skills. It's just been vines and clouds today, but I think the practice is helping me improve. Especially considering I can just doodle unhindered by an actual class taking place. All I have to do is just nod my head every now and then, and eventually agree with whatever they decide to do and I'm golden.

"Abeno! Do you have any ideas?"

I look up at Hairo, wide-eyed. Quick! Think of something! Tapping my pencil on my desk, I try to think, "uh, well, I mean, we could do a garden display? Picked flowers. Houseplants. It'll be a breath of fresh air for visitors?"

A round of nods goes around the classroom. Hopefully, my idea wasn't too lazy nor anything that involves too much energy. I mean, it's really just a plant display. People can kind of choose their own involvement level.

"What a romantic idea, Haruna!"

And it seems I've sparked Chiyo's boy-crazy imagination. No doubt Kokomi agrees with her sentiment. They're probably both already plotting how to set up the 'perfect' scenario with their crushes. Hopefully, they keep me out of all that plotting. Though, knowing them, they're already trying to think of how to spice up my nonexistent love life even if just a little bit.

"Sorry Haruna, but the gardening club is doing a harvest display already, remember. I think that's too similar." Mera pipes up.

I just nod, shrugging, before going back to my doodling. Pencil scratching against paper. I completely forgot we were doing a harvest display. Maybe that's why the idea was kind of just there. Oh well, whatever our class decides to do, I'm sure it won't make much of a difference in my whole festival experience. I mean, I'm already doing the gardening club display, plus I've been roped into that pageant thing.

Sighing, I find myself looking out the window. It's really such a nice day out. Treetops sway as the breeze plays with their leaves. Varying shades of green, with little dots of pink here and there from the cherry blossoms that always seem to be present. Birds flit here and there, stopping to perch in trees. Others buddy up and sit on power lines. A large meteor speeds closer and closer. A butterfly drifts past the window. Calm. Careless. Its wings a bright blue shade, with hints of black here and there. A beautiful combination.

Wait. Meteor?

I rub my eyes, and sure enough, there's a flaming meteor in the sky. In an instant, something enters from an open window and lands with a crash on the floor in the front of the classroom. My heart skips a startled beat, Kaido lets out a startled yelp. I can't help but be glad that I'm not in the very front row. I probably would have screamed. Or more.

The meteor sits, unbothered, right in front of where Hairo stands. I don't know how possible something like this is. A one in an I-don't-know-how-many probably. Taking a deep breath, I check my friends. Chiyo and Kokomi both look startled. Mera looks rather unphased. Nendo and Kuboyasu are behind me, but they're both probably alright. Kaido still looks shaken, but then again, most of the class are – and he's kind of a scared-y cat in real life.

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