| Chapter 13 |

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"Shun...I don't think we're supposed to go this way" biting my lip, I look at a very unfamiliar street. Maybe I should've asked Dai to drive us. I'd probably have to bribe him, but having to pay for sweets is better than being horribly lost.

"No, no – the map says it's this way. We're close" he insists, though I can hear the uncertainty.

I give the white-haired boy an unsure look but follow along nonetheless.

'We're horribly lost' Saiki informs.

I figured that much. Kaido was never good with directions, even when questing in Exforce. We always got horribly lost. Even when I was leading our party we'd get lost. I swear, both he and I could follow a normal map and end up anywhere but the destination. That's why I always use my phone's GPS. It tells me exactly when to turn - no looking at a paper map needed. Just mindlessly following directions till you get where you're supposed to be.

"Look, why don't we give just someone else the map" I suggest, fidgeting with my hands behind my back, as we walk more and more into unfamiliar territory.

"No, I got it! We're almost there – see" poor Shun deflates after realizing he's pointing to a completely random building. It's definitely not the restaurant we're supposed to go to.

Then Nendo takes the map, which only leads to more getting lost and walking in circles. I know I'm no better with maps but damn. The party is already in full swing, and Chiyo was adamant that she had something important to tell me when I got there. Probably something about a boy, but still.

"I-I don't think this is" I trail off, looking at the thugs outside of whatever building we found.

Nendo, due to a gross misunderstanding, starts yelling at them. Next thing I know, we're all walking through the gates. Oh god. If I die. I really should have put more effort into my powers. Then living through this would be easy. We're going to die right here, aren't we?

Wait. I have psychic powers. So does Saiki!

"Oh, you finally made it."

I open my squeezed-shut eyes to see Hairo and the rest of the class. I could almost cry. Knees week, I lean on the wall to stabilize.

"That was fun – we should all definitely do something like this again!"

And just like that, none of it feels worth it. We walked all this way. Spent all this time. Got horribly lost. And now, the party is completely. Totally. Over. I was really looking forward to eating and hanging out with everyone.

"It doesn't have to be over!"

"Yeah – Party part two!"

The class looks exhausted at the thought of another party. It's shot down almost immediately, making Kaido and Nendo completely deflate. I just sigh as my classmates start leaving. I missed my first class party.

Then I get an idea. Why not do something party-like with what's left of the night, "I know it's not the party you guys wanted, but uh, we could go over to my house? There's games, and we could order some food out."

"Good idea Bud – let's go!"

"Uh, s-sure" Shun seems rather unsure, but agrees, nonetheless. His mom probably scolding him in his mind. Saiki just shrugs, bland as ever. He knows there are sweets at my house – how could there not be? I shoot a smile at the boys and pull out my phone.

"I'm going to call Dai to pick us up – just to avoid getting lost. Again." With that, I call my brother.

"whattaya want?"

I roll my eyes, "we're at that restaurant for the class party – location is on the fridge. Can you come pick us up? It's late."

Dai sighs, "be there in 5."

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