| Chapter 19 |

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"I can't believe they're releasing a new expansion already" I groan, deflating as I walk next to Shun. My body hurts as I continuously sip from my water bottle. Staying up late last night to study, play Exforce, and practice with my powers was absolutely, totally, completely, not the move.

"I know, we just finished up with the mini-expansion a few nights ago" Shun sighs, I can hear the tired tone in his voice, "but on the bright side, there's a free five-star cosmetic if you complete the questline within the event period."

"Yeah, and that alone" I groan, "will take years."

"Especially for just the two of us" he sighs, "it would be so much easier if we had a full party."

"Exactly" I seethe, taking a gulp from my water bottle, "they're just making things impossible for solo players."

"I mean" Shun adjusts his bag, standing still for a second, "at least we have each other - and we could always try meeting people?"

I give him a look, wide-eyed with a raised eyebrow, "are you serious?"

He begins walking at this, making a left at the stop sign, "I don't know, Haru. If we want the skin, we're going to have to meet some kind of people. The time frame is just too impossible - even at our levels. "

"But that's" I feel my face pucker, "gross."

"We've collaborated with another duo before" he points out, "and there was that tank who helped us in the last few major quests."

"True" I shrug, "but I haven't seen that duo online in months, and Tank is only one guy."

Shun goes quiet in thought, eyebrows knitting periodically as we walk through the school gates. I take this time to down the rest of my water, placing the empty bottle back in my bag before entering school and heading to my shoe locker.

"Wait" Shun pipes up, heading for his own shoes, "you said you had a second character, right?"

"Yeah" I shrug, "level uh fifty, I think. I don't really remember. I was trying out other classes."

"Oh" he questions, intrigued.

That's when it hits me. The urge to pee. Bouncing side to side, I tug my shoes on and place my sneakers in the locker before shutting it.

"Yeah" my words are hurried, "I like my main more, but why'd you ask?"

"If you had a second account, you could possibly join the party as - are you ok?"

"Have to use the bathroom," I state, "but that might be a good idea."

"Ok" he lets out a slight snort at my behavior, "see you in class."

With that, I dart into the nearby girls' bathroom, swiftly finding a stall and ending my predicament. Relieved, I exit the stall and begin washing my hands. That done I head into the hall again, this time to stop at a water fountain to fill my recently emptied water bottle.

Sighing, I take the bottle from my bag and press the button on the fountain. Water gushes from the spout, and I begin the long process of filling my water bottle.

"He's just" a girl takes a big sigh, "so cute!"

"I know, right" another agrees, "it's like he knows exactly what to say!"

"I can't believe we didn't notice him till now" another girl pipes up, her two friends agreeing with her in a second.

I look down at my half-filled water bottle, listening as they continue to gush about this mysterious guy. Did we get a new student or something?

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