Chapter 13

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Warm kisses were planted on my chest as I slept. A low voice mumbled morning against my skin and I slowly opened my eyes, staring at the ginger man. Tormund trailed more kisses up until he reached my neck and softly bit my shoulder.

"Mmm." I sighed and his fingers gently brushed over my thighs but never touched my cunt. I buckled my hips, but he shook his head and kissed my jaw. "Not after last night, you need more rest. I have to get up."

I groaned when he said that and started to stand up. "Sleep a little while longer and then come for some breakfast. We have a big climb today." I watched as Tormund picked up his clothes. He was covered with hair and scars. Before I could see more, he was fully dressed and he left the tent.

Groaning I sat up, holding the fur blanket to my naked chest, but caught small bruises over my breasts and stomach. "That little shit." I huffed. Standing up, my legs shook a little and more bruises trailed down my hips. Almost looking like handprints. Quickly getting dressed, I stepped out and headed to the group.

"Morning. How did you sleep? If you got any?" Ygritte smirked, saying the last bit under her breath.

"Great," I said, Tormund grabbed my hand and pulled me to his lap as he kissed me, groaning when I bit his lip. I stared into his eyes and he moved his mouth to my jaw, sucking on any exposed skin he could get.

Orell cleared his throat, glaring at me when I turned my head and then at Jon as Ygritte pulled him in for one too. "Yes, Orell is right we have things to discuss." Tormund gave me another kiss, before lifting me and placing me next to him, handing me his leftovers of the semi-warm rabbit on a stick.

"Orell says crows are patrolling on the Wall. Tell me what you know." Tormund looked at Jon.

"There are four to a patrol- two builders to check for structural damage, two rangers to watch for enemies."

"How often do these patrols go out?" Orell asked.

"It varies. If I knew where on the Wall we were heading, I could tell you."

"You'd like to know that." Orell scoffed.

"There are nineteen castles guarding the Wall. How many are manned?" The man next to me sighed.


"You sure of that?" Jon nodded. "Which three?"

"Castle Black."

"Aye, Castle Black. Everyone knows Castle Black. Which others?" Orell groaned.

"Eastwatch-by-the-Sea and the Shadow Tower."

"How many men remain in Castle Black?" Tormund questioned.

"A thousand." Jon looked at me for a second before looking back at Tormund. Orell accused him of being a liar and Jon dropped his bundle, stepping towards the warg. "What happens to your eagle after I kill you? Does he drift away like a kite with his strings cut or does he just flop dead to the ground?"

"He's no crow." Ygritte defended him.

"Just 'cause you want him inside you don't make him one of us," Orell growled and Ygritte drew her dagger.

"I'm not afraid of you." She hissed. Tormund stood up and threw Orell to the ground, before facing Jon. "I like you, boy. But if you lie to me, I'll pull your guts out through your throat."

"A thousand men. I heard Jeor Mormont say just over it before we left for Craster's Keep. But after the slaughter, it should be around a thousand." I stood up also, defending Snow, and smiled at Tormund, rubbing my hand on his back. Orell stood up and shook off his pants.

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