Chapter 3: Strained friendships and rumours

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Tommaso POV

I noticed that Chloe has been ignoring us for a while, much to our confusion. I've also noticed that everyone is giving me the side eye and whispering behind my back.

"What's going on? Why's everyone whispering?" Aria asked.

"No idea." Owen shrugged.

I noticed that Chloe and Marinette started to drift apart, started ignoring each other. I decided to take her to one side and ask her what's wrong.

"Promise me you won't freak out." Marinette said.

"Depends on the situation." I replied.

The Everyday Ladybug took a deep breath and met my gaze.

"Chloe just spread a rumour about you being La Volpe and being related to Gabriele Ricci." She said.

"What!?" I exclaimed in shock.

"Don't freak out!" Marinette said.

"How can I not? Chloe just spilled the beans and now everyone's giving me the bad eyes. Not to mention, every goon probably wants me dead." I replied.

"Right. I can see that. I just don't know why she decided to do that? It's even worse than her not being my friend anymore." Marinette said with a sigh.

"Wait? That's why you two haven't been talking to each other? What happened?" I asked.

"Chloe said that her father and mother said I was a bad influence to her and told her to unfriend me. I tried to talk her out of it, but she didn't listen. It was when she sold you out, that's when I realised that she hasn't changed at all. She's still the same arrogant, selfish, spoiled brat from before." Marinette said with a scowl.

"Hold on. Maybe someone's pulling the strings. There's no way Chloe would screw us over." Aria said.

"You think The Brotherhood is behind this?" I asked.

"Maybe. This does sound like something they would do." Aria replied.

"Hey, Tommaso!" A voice called.

I turned around and saw two students walking towards us.

"What do you two want?" I demanded.

"Oh nothing. Just to say that your screwed because everyone now knows you're La Volpe and your Gabriele's son." The student with black hair said snidely.

"He's not my father." I growled.

"A liar. Just like Lila. Though, I doubt she's not a bigger liar as yourself. Does your uncle know?" The Cyan haired student replied.

I clenched my fists in anger.

"Back off, you two." Aria said.

"Or what, shrimp." Said the Cyan haired student.

"Or we'll hurt you." My self proclaimed protégée threatened.

"Wonder why your sister is even dating this punk? She would be better of with a more sophisticated member of society. Not some vigilante who is the son of the biggest crime lord in Italy." The black haired student said, pointing his chin at me.

"As if you count as sophisticated. I doubt you even know what that word even means." I taunted.

The cyan haired student clenched his fists in anger.

"Let it go, Ken. We don't want to end up crippling La Volpe, now do we?" Said his friend.

"Fine. Let's go, Chris." Said Ken as they left.

"Well, that was unpleasant." Roxanne said as she leaned against the wall.

"How long have you been there?" I asked.

"Long enough to hear that everyone hates your guts." Roxanne replied.

"Not everyone. Some actually have their doubts about you being La Volpe." Her friend Jessica added.

"Even you?" I asked.

"I already know you're La Volpe, but I also know that you have a heart of gold. You risked life and limb for others. If that doesn't count as heroism, I don't know what else does." Jessica replied.

I thought about what Jessica said and shrugged.

"Maybe. But, not everyone will agree with you." I said.

"Screw them. Anyway, let's head to class. We got History with Mrs Bustier." Jessica replied as we made our way to class.

Chloe POV

I overheard everything that Marinette said about me and leaned against the wall. Before, I would get back at her by framing her for something she didn't do. But, now. 

I just wanted to be alone and cry my eyes out until my tears stopped. I didn't notice an akuma flying towards my bracelet until it struck me.

"Iron Heart. I am your new master, Dark Wing. Your friends have turned their back on you. But, I can help you get revenge on them. In return, you must join The Brotherhood of Shadows. Do we have a deal?" A voice said to me in the darkness.

"N-no. Even after what I've been through with Marinette, I wouldn't join you!" I shouted.

"You defended Marinette from her former friends and this is how she repaid you. Saying those words behind your back. Don't you think she deserves a taste of her own medicine? Show her that you are not one to be pushed around." The voice replied, goading me into giving in.

"She's still the same arrogant, selfish, spoiled brat from before." Marinette's voice said in the background.

I wiped away my tears and stood up, saying the two words that I never imagined I would say again.

"I accept." 

Miraculous Ladybug X La Volpe: The Return of The BrotherhoodWhere stories live. Discover now