Chapter 14: Scarlet Lady Returns and Heroes vs Punisher duo

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Chloe POV

As I saw on the news that an akuma was seen in  Passerelle des Arts bridge, I picked up the Bee comb and was about to transform until I realised that I gave the Bee miraculous back to Su-Han after we rescued Marinette. I realised that I'm not a miraculous holder anymore after I sold out Tommaso's secret.

I sat on the bed and sulked until I heard tapping on my window. I looked up and saw Su-Han standing on the balcony. I got up and opened the window.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Good to see you too. I know that I do not want you to be the holder of any miraculous. However, your friends need you right now." He said as he pointed at the television. I saw that my friends are fighting the akuma and losing.

"They don't need me. Not after what I did." I said.

"I may not know much about you. But, if I am right, you care about your friends. Marinette changed you for the better and you repaid her by standing by her side. You risked life and limb for the innocent. Are you surely going to ignore them?" He said, crossing his arms.

I looked at the television again and sighed.

"Alright. But, I need a miraculous." I said.

"Already ahead of you. I believe that Scarlet Lady must make a comeback, as a friend of yours would say." Su-Han said as he handed me the Ladybug earrings with Tikki floating next to me.

I took the earrings and put them on.

"A comeback it is. Tikki, Spots On!"

Corrin POV

I saw Tommaso, who was dressed in a black jeaned jacket, grey hoodie, black jeans and matching combat boots with a blue and grey fox mask, tossed into a car as he tried to sneak attack Golden Punisher from behind. Gloria lashed out her jump rope at Golden Punisher, how caught it and pulled her towards her hammer, hitting her square in the face with it.

"They're too tough!" Owen shouted as he tried to swing his tonfa at Silver Punisher, who blocked it and swung his hammer at his torso, knocking him into Aria.

"And without Ladybug, we're toast." Juleka replied as she threw her bolas at the duo but missed. 

"We don't have any choice but to fight back." Luka said as he blocked a hammer swung at him, only to get knocked into the railing.

Just as Golden Punisher was about to finish him off, Capra stepped in and blocked the attack with his paintbrush. He snapped a kick at her, but his leg was caught by Silver Punisher, who threw him onto the ground. Tommaso threw a smoke bomb at the duo, blinding them.

"Where's the akuma placed?" He asked me as he helped Gorino up.

"No idea. I never saw the akuma." He replied.

"You think those toys are enough to stop us?" Golden Punisher chuckled as she swung her hammer at us. We managed to dodge but another hammer flew towards us. 

"Watch out!" Gorino shouted as he tackled us to the side and was knocked off the bridge and sent flying onto the ground. His goat hairclips were knocked off, reverting him to his civilian form.

"Gorino!" I shouted as I ran towards him, only to get pinned down by Silver Punisher.

"Can't believe that Capra is this pathetic excuse of my son. Then again, I don't have a son anymore. He's dead to me. And will be to everyone else." Golden Punisher said as she raised her hammer over Gorino's body.

Tom roared as he punched Golden Punisher in the back, forcing her to drop  her hammer next to Gorino. The akuma growled and grabbed him by the throat, choking him. Owen, Aria, Rose and Juleka tried to help him, but were knocked out by Silver Punisher's floating hammer. 

"But first, I'll deal with you." She said as she squeezed Volpe's neck. The Vixen tried to escape but grew weaker after every attempt. I could see blood coming from the mouth of his mask. I tried to free myself, but Silver Punisher's grip was too strong.

Suddenly, a red and black yo-yo knocked Silver Punisher off my back, allowing me to get up and kick Golden Punisher away from Volpe, who was hacking and coughing up blood.

"Thanks." He croaked.

"Wasn't just me." I said as I pointed at a figure dressed up as Ladybug but had high heeled boots and blonde hair.

"Never fear. Scarlet Lady is here." She said as she darted toward the Punisher Duo, who charged towards her. They tried to swing their hammers at her, but she dodged easily and wrapped her yo-yo around their hammers and pulled them out of their hands. She punched Golden Punisher in the jaw and flip kicked her partner in the face.

"Hey! Where's the akuma placed!?"She called out as she dodge their attacks.

I looked at their rings and saw a black aura surrounding them.

"Inside the rings!" I shouted.

The lady in red summoned a tube of butter, much to her confusion. Luka used his staff to vault over the duo and drive them back while the girl in red threw the butter at the ground in front of them, causing the two to slip over themselves and fall flat on the ground. Tommaso grabbed Golden Punisher and removed her ring while Luka did the same to Silver Punisher. The girl in red stomped on the rings and freed the akuma.

She caught them and purified the akumas, reverting the duo back to their civilian forms. 

"Phew, that did it." The girl in red sighed.

"Nice to see you back, Scarlet Lady." Roxanne said with a smile.

"Good to be back, Hawkgirl." Scarlet Lady replied.

After repairing the damage, Gorino was rushed to the hospital. I decided to go with Gorino and watch over him.    

Gorino POV

I woke up and found myself on a hospital bed with a bandage on my forehead. Next to me was Corrin, who was fast asleep and holding my hand. I smiled as I stroked her hair. She woke up and hugged me.

"What happened, Cory?" I asked.

"I'll explain everything." She said and told me what happened before I lost consciousness. 

After she finished, I groaned in dismay.

"Not only the whole of Paris knows who I am, I also lost my house to those two. I'm homeless." I sighed.

"After this, I'll ask my brother if you can stay with us until then." She said.

"I'd like that." I replied.

Suddenly, her phone rang. She answered the call, her face changed from calm to shock.

"Yeah. I'm on my way." She said and hung up.

"What's up?" I asked.

"The others found out their friends and family have been captured. I'm going to go and help them." She replied.

"Stay safe." I warned.

"Always." She replied, pecked me on the forehead and left my room.

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