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"So staying for awhile?" One of Mikes friends, Dustin, asked. Christine nodded, her eyes stuck on the road as the boy spoke from the backseat. She looked into the mirror for a moment, seeing the way he caught her eye and quickly looking away, almost laughing. "Can I have your number then?"

"Dude this is my cousin. Stop." Mike said , turning his head and punching the boy who had asked. Christine felt some regret at agreeing to pick the friends up, her face scrunching up in some kind of embarrassment as she was hit on by a 13 year old.

"Uh yeah...dial Mike." Christine said, rolling her eyes as she pulled into the arcade. The boy put on a somewhat victorious smile, giving Mike a sideways glance as he nodded at her. The boys rushed out after that, Christine handing Mike the coin purse and shooing him from the car.

"Two hours."

"Hey Mike! Tell your mom I was in there with you the whole time!" Christine called out the window, Mike giving her a salute as he ran into the arcade. She sat back in the seat, letting out a scoff as she rolled up the window and once again just enjoying being alone.

She say there for about a good 10-15 minutes before she decided to take a drive, she needed a snack anyways. Christine pulled out of the parking lot of the arcade, checking the time and noting that she had to be back by 9. The first few minutes of her drive she reminisced on her home, on the things that she missed, her dad. After a few minutes she got a little too sad, shaking the thoughts from her head and trying to focus on something else.

She drove through downtown, her eyes catching onto all the quaint little buildings that adorned the main road. She remembered something, her eyebrows furrowing as she started searching for a gas station.

She remembered her father telling her something about a boy in Hawkins going missing, and that they had found a body, but he ended up actually being alive. She recalled that her dad had told her it was one of Mikes friends and she made a mental note to ask him about it on the way home.

Her train of thought soon went to the thought of having to be the new kid at school, her head starting to hurt from the thought of it. Christine was a beautiful girl, she easily made friends, but she had her faults, and she also didn't know how small towns worked, so she wasn't entirely sure what she was meant to do  and how she would fit in. Nancy was a year younger than her, the girl not seeming very keen on taking her older cousin under her wing at the school. However, Christine was not going to shy away from using Nancy to her advantage, she was ready to move on from their past issues and work towards a united future, one where they could possibly be friends. In a way, this was Christines fresh start, and she wanted to do it right.  She had a famous temper at her old school, a bit of a reputation,  and she was almost happy  that she could erase her defining factors and rewrite them for new people.

Christine pulled into a gas station,  only one other car at the entire place. She was quick to get out, a chill in the air catching her and making her clutch her jacket closer to her skin.  She headed inside, in search of a snack or a drink to keep her occupied while she waited for the kids at the arcade. Christine looked at the counter, giving the clerk a kind smile and then making her way into the aisles. She searched for a Three Musketeers for a few minutes, getting a bit frustrated when she couldn't find one.

"Excuse me, do you have any Thr-"

"Hey I'd like to pay for my gas." The girl was interrupted ,  her eyes going to the guy who had just walked in and cut her off. He walked up to the counter, Christine furrowing her eyebrows at the rudeness of this man.

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