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Christine was quick to rush out from behind the counter, the girl practically running towards her friends. She loved Steve and Dustin, but it was nice to see somebody else.

"You flung that thing like a hot wheel!" Dustin exclaimed, the boy running into El and Mikes arms. Christine hurried towards Nancy, pulling the younger girl into a hug and surprising most of the people in the room by doing so. Nancy was surprised as well, the girl still hugging her back, her eyes briefly closing as she pushed her chin onto her cousins shoulder.

"I've never been so happy to see you." Christine said, truly meaning her words. She pulled back, Nancy gasping at the state of her cousins face. Before she could ask about it Christine was already pushing into an embrace with Max, a brief one because the younger girl didn't like hugs that much. Max laughed as they reunited, Will standing beside the girl and looking at her with slightly raised eyebrows.

"Who beat you up?"  Will asked, his eyes wide as they all took in the state of her bruised and battered face.


"Russians?" Max and Lucas asked at the same time, the two of them looking at the girl in complete confusion as she said it. She nodded, shrugging her shoulders and then rejoining the group.

"Erica! What are you doing here?!"

"Ask them. It's their fault." Erica said, gesturing towards where Steve and Robin were standing.

"True yeah. Totally true. It's absolutely our fault." Steve admitted, the boy putting his hands on his hips as he looked at Nancy and Jonathan.

"I don't understand what happened to that car." Robin exclaimed, Christine realizing she had no idea about El.

"El has superpowers."  Dustin spit out the truth, Christine nodding her head as he said it, Robin furrowing her eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm sorry?" She asked, not quite understand what they were saying.

"Superpowers. She threw it with her mind. C'mon catch up." Steve chastised her, Christine pushing his shoulder he said it

"That's El?" Erica asked, pointing to El who was being halfway held up by Mike.

"Whos El?" Robin  asked, now truly lost in the conversation.

"I'm sorry who are you?" Nancy asked Robin, confused as to who this stranger was that was part of their group now.

"I'm Robin. I work with Steve." Robin introduced, gesturing towards Steve.

"She cracked the top secret code." Dustin said nonchalantly, most of them not knowing what he was talking about.

"Yeah which is how we found out about the Russians." Steve added, everyone shaking their heads in confusion at the two.

"Russians? Wait, what Russians?" Jonathan asked, looking at Steve.

"The Russians!" Steve said, gesturing to the bodies of the men that were after them.

"Those were Russians?" Max butt in, her eyes wide as she asked about it.

"Some of them." Erica answered.

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