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Christine Wheeler was standing outside of Hawkins High, leaned against Billy Hargroves car as they waited for his illusion little sister to show up. Although when he had described her, he had used every single term except for the word sister, which  made Christine assume that the two of them were not exactly the most united in family terms.

"Did she say she was going to be late?" Christine asked, making Billy turn his head to look at her. He put out his cigarette, smashing it under his boot and  shaking his head.

"I don't care. That shithead can skate home." He said, turning his body and pulling  open his car door. She took this as her cue to get in the other side, her hands quickly fastening her seatbelt as  he sped out of the parking lot. Christine glanced in his direction every few moments, or pointed out a road to him but aside from that she didn't really  speak much to him the entire ride. Her mind was occupied by Steve Harrington, who she was strangely worried about. She wondered if it was the Nancy effect...the fact that he had been hurt by Nancy and since she knew personally how that felt, if that was why she was so worried about him.

"So you know Harrington?" Billy asked, almost as if he could read her thoughts.

"Not really. My cousins boyfriend." Christine said, shaking her head as she looked over at him. Her gave her a disbelieving nod, his lips slightly turning up into a smirk as he pulled onto her road. Christine hardly wasted any time when he got into the driveway, the girl grabbing the door handle and pushing the door open. She felt a hand grip her wrist, her head flying too look back at Billy as he gave her an expectant look.

"You said you'd pay me?" He said, his eyes narrowing as she got what he was insinuating. She got back into the car, grabbing him by the cheek and pressing a hot and sloppy kiss to his mouth. He returned it, the two of them engaging in a short make out before she pulled back, Billy's eyes still closed as she got out fo the car. She had a certain effect to her,  an intoxication, a craving inducing way about her that drove him absolutely crazy. She closed the passenger side door,leaning  back through the window as he finally reopened his eyes. 

"We'll make it an I owe you." She said, quickly turning away and heading inside without any concern as to whether Billy was gone or not. The first thing she saw when she got into the house was her aunt in the kitchen, the woman leaning against the counter.

"Christine? How was school?" Her aunt asked, the girl in question walking into the kitchen with a light smile. She let out a breathy sigh, giving her aunt a nod as she spoke.

"Pretty decent. Didn't really do much. I forgot my homework here though." Her aunt gave her a small hum of belief as they both heard the door open again. They both turned, watching as Nancy walked in, a guy that Christine once again faintly recognized walking in beside her.


"Uh Ms. Wheeler." Jonathan greeted, Nancy watching as her cousin crossed her arms over her chest, her eyes narrowing as the corner of her lip slightly turned upwards.

"Jonathan."  Christine repeated, giving Nancy a look over as she did so.

"What a pleasant surprise. Have you met Christine yet?" Mrs. Wheeler said, gesturing towards the elder  Wheeler cousin. Jonathan shook his head, the girl in question giving him a slight wave before settling back on Nancy.

"Uh...we have a test tomorrow."

"Did you go shopping?" Christine dismissed herself from the conversation by pressing a hand to her Aunts shoulder, her head nodding as she tuned out their conversation. She had finally met the Jonathan and she couldn't believe it. Just as she was headed up the stairs the phone rang, the girl groaning as she ran back down, grabbing the phone off of the wall and putting it to her ear.


"Hello! Christine! Thank God it's you! I need a huge favor. Please come pick me up from the school!" Mike was on the other side of the  phone, Christine suddenly alarmed by the panicked tone in his voice.

"Alright! Alright! I'm coming." She said back, hanging up the phone and grabbing her keys as quickly as possible. She ran out the door, jumping into her car and pulling out of the driveway as fast as she possibly could.  The frantic tone in his voice made her worried, the girl hoping nothing was wrong as she  got to the school quicker than she thought anyone probably ever had.  She jumped out, running to where she could see a small group of kids who she could unmistakably recognize as Mike and his friends.

As she approached her eyes widened, her mouth dropping open as she watched one of Mikes friends  looking like he was having a seizure. A woman was yelling at him, trying to shake him from whatever it was. Mike took notice of his older cousin, realizing this was not going to look to hot when he was explaining things. Sooner than expected the boy seemed to snap out of it, Christines  heart beating ridiculously in her chest as she spoke.

"Is-is he okay?" It was then that everyone seemed to take notice of her, the older woman looking at her in confusion.

"Excuse me." She said, walking past the small group and taking her son with her. The all followed after her, Christine punching Mike in the shoulder and then gesturing at the boy who was having some kind of episode. They all stood on the steps of the school as they watched the woman and the boy take off in a car, Christines confusion reaching an all time high.

"Okay, that totally freaked me out." The red headed girl spoke, making Christine turn to look at her. She nodded in agreement, her lips tightening as the girl spoke again. "Did that not freak you guys out?"

"Two episodes in two days." Lucas said, looking at the other  boys.

"It's getting worse."

"You think it's True Sight?" Lucas asked, looking to Mike.

"What's true sight?" The girl asked, making Christine wonder too.  Mike gave Lucas a shake of his head, Lucas dismissing it as they all settled into a silence. Finally Christine had had  enough fo the silence, the girl shaking her head before speaking.

"Hello Mike! First off who the hell is that? Second why am I here? Third what did I just witness?" Christine asked her questions, the kids all looking at her.

"That was Will." Christine out two and two together, realizing that Will was Mikes friend who had went missing. "We need a ride. And Will has episode ssometimes." Mike dismissed, making the girl fume.

"No Mike you're  not just dismissing that shit. I expect a full explanation as to what I just walked into when I get home."  Christine said, her anger melting away as she looked at the small group of kids. She cleared her throat, her mouth reopening to speak. "Now who needs a ride?"

Three of the four kids raised their hands, Dustin being the only one to shake his head.

"Alright let's go. And I'm sorry whats your name?" Christine asked the girl, her eyebrows furrowing as she realized she had never seen her before.

"Max." A realization crossed Christines face as she realized Max was Mad Max who was Billy's sister. This was the Max.

"Alright let's get out of here."

FAMILIAR ↳ STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now