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The drive home from school was rather short, Christine still reeling from her interaction with Billy. He was already gone when she had gotten to her car , which she wasn't exactly sure she was upset about. She still felt bad for having to cut their time short, considering she really didn't want to. But she also didn't feel like getting in trouble on her first day of school.

She pulled into the driveway of  the Wheeler house, the girl laying her head against the steering wheel for a moment. She wasn't exactly excited about going back inside. Finally she worked up the courage, realizing she wanted to lay in her bed and opening the car door.

Christine made her way through the front door, her eyes immediately catching onto Mike who seemed as if he was waiting for her by the door. She gave him a furrowed eyebrow, his face telling her that he had something to say. She gestured towards the upstairs, telling him that if he needed to say something that they should probably talk in the privacy of her room. He nodded, running away up the stairs as Christine walked into the family room.

"Hey." She said, giving her aunt and uncle a brief wave.

"Hey honey how was school?" Her aunt Karen asked, her eyes on Holly as the little girl bounded towards Christine. She hugged her legs, Christine giving a half smile as she reached down and grabbed the little girl, putting her on her hip and hugging her better.

"It wasn't bad. Although I did have a quiz in one of my classes and it was literally the first day. Well my first day I guess." She said, her uncle never looking up from his newspaper until she said something about the quiz.

"Well let's hope that you passed." He deadpanned, her aunt nodding along as she watched Christine put Holly back down.

"Did you sit with Nancy at lunch? She helped you around right? Nancy!" Her aunt asked, the girl in question appearing only about a second later from the kitchen, her judgy little eyes raking over Christines figure.

"Yeah I sat with Nancy at lunch. And Steve. Great guy Nancy...really." Christine said, giving Nancy a knowing look as they both very much knew that Christine didn't sit with Nancy and Steve at lunch. Nancy looked her over for about 30 seconds again, her eyes catching onto a little red mark peeking out from under the neckline of her shirt.

"I know." The younger girl remarked, her arms folding over her chest as she looked back to her parents. Karen Wheeler could see something was going on between the two, but it was rather unspoken, so she chose not to say anything. She stood from the couch to start dinner, walking between the two girls who were staring intensely at each other. She broke their eye contact, Christine turning away from Nancy and heading up the stairs.

She had forgotten about Mike being in her room, so when she opened the door she was a bit surprised to see him sitting on her bed. However she soon remembered that he needed something.

"What's up Mike?"

"Are you going to that big party that Nancy's going to tomorrow night?" This was the first Christine was hearing of a party, her eyebrows raising as she shook her head.

"I didn't know there was a party but yeah I'm probably gonna go then." She said, Mike looking at her and nodding his head.

"My parents are really mad at me for taking Nancy's money last night. I'm worried they're not gonna let me trick or treat tomorrow...or at least not by myself. Can you help me come up with something as a cover? Like just help me get out of that situation because I'm stressed and I really need to go out with my friends and I need to-"

"Mike! Damn! Yes fine I'll help you." Christine said, grabbing him by the shoulders and giving him a solid shake. He nodded, giving Christine a really serious look before running out of her room.

The girl fell back on her bed, thinking of how she could figure out how to help Mike make sure he gets to go trick or treating. She laid there for awhile, thinking of what to say and finally settling on a plan. She got a thought, groaning as she stood from the bed and then opened her bedroom door. She dreaded what she was about to do, but nevertheless she knocked on the door.

"Come in." She heard from the inside, Christine turning the doorknob and walking inside. Nancy have her a curious look as she walked inside, crossing her arms over her chest as she observed the room. "Yes?"

"So about that party you have the info?" Nancy had forgotten to tell Christine about the party, so she wondered how exactly she had found out. But she was backed into a corner now, she had to tell her.

Nancy let out a sigh as she pulled the top drawer of her nightstand open, pulling the flyer out of there. She handed it to her cousin, her eyes catching onto the back of the paper where Steve had written her a note. Christine was focused on the address, the girl nodding her head as she handed the flyer back.

"What are you dressed up for?"  Christine asked, gesturing to Nancy's outfit and her shoes that she had on.

"Dinner." Nancy answered, sitting up from her laying position but not looking at her cousin. "So what's your costume gonna be Christine?"

"I don't know yet. It's such short notice I'm gonna have to really think about it."  Nancy was about to say something about her condescending tone when the phone rang downstairs, Christine giving the girl on the bed a raised eyebrow as she immediately turned her back to her. Christine had a pretty good feeling about who was on the other end of the line, considering Nancy looked like she was ready to go, and dinner seemed like something she would do with Steve. Before any of the other Wheelers could get to the phone, Christine picked it up, the girl slightly out of breath from having basically jumped down the stairs.


"Hey Steve." Christine said, a smile crossing her lips as she waited for his answer.  Steve was confused on the other line, he knew it was Christine but why had she answered when Nancy knew he was coming.

"Hey Christine. Is Nancy there?" Just as he asked the girl stopped in front of Christine, her mouth opening to say something but her cousin sticking her finger in her face before she could.

"No she's in the bathroom. Do you want me to give her a message?" Christine said with a mischievous grin, Nancy once again opening her mouth to speak.  Christine covered the bottom of the phone, moving it away from her mouth before speaking to Nancy. "Nancy hold on...I'm on the phone."

Nancy's face fell as she assumed her next few months with her cousin were going to be absolute torture. She was beyond terrified of the penance she was going to get from her elder cousin because of their past, and while she wasn't helping to mend it, she didn't exactly want to have to suffer.

"Yeah alright Stevey I'll let her know. Alright. Bye bye." Christines sickly sweet smile fell as soon as she hung up the phone, Nancy watching as her mood changed.  "Steve's on his way Nance. Have fun at dinner."

While what she had done was not at all actually mean, Nancy could feel that it was just the beginning of what was to come. Christine gave her a contented smile, pushing past her and towards the dining room where Karen Wheeler was now setting the table. Nancy watched as Christine chatted with her mother, helped her set the table, and ultimately vied for the love of her parents. Nancy could see Christines plan formulating in her head, her revenge plan, or maybe she was just paranoid. But she felt like Christine was no longer the meek girl that Nancy hated, now she was stronger but still worthy of her hatred. The worst part was  that she seemed now to be a little smarter. And another big difference was that Nancy was not at her top game, their little rivalry had been on pause for awhile now, and she had come back at one of the worst times.  Nancy was weak, and she knew Christine would take advantage of that.

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