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Christine towel dried her hair, the girl sitting down on the edge of Steve's bed and continuing to do so. She had been prancing around his room and changing for the past few minutes, Steve excusing himself to shower and leaving her there.  After promising the others they would meet up at Scoops Ahoy in the morning, Christine and Steve rode back to his place, the boy talking about the Russians the entire time, Christine not really having to say anything.

She used Steves comb on the bedside table, the girl brushing through her hair and making sure it wasn't terribly knotted. She heard the bedroom door open, the girl with her back to the door as she looked down at a magazine she had found in the bathroom.

"Hey does your mom have anymore of these Cos-" Christine felt her words catch in her throat as Steve walked past her, his towel wrapped around his waist and his chest bare. He walked towards his dresser, reaching towards the drawers and grabbing some clothes, Christines mouth hanging open as he turned around to look at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"What?" The second his eyes landed on her face her  mouth closed, Christine not wanting him to see how  she was reacting. His hand was gripping the towel closed at his waist, Christine gulping as she dragged her eyes up his figure and to his face. His hair was wet and dripping, Christine feeling her insides twist as she noted how handsome he looked. The hand securing his towel drew her attention, and she felt a lump grow in her throat as she saw just how low the towel was. He had such a appealing look, the girl shaking her head and finally being able to meet his eyes.

"I don't remember." She sputtered out, Steve stifling a chuckle as he gripped his pants in his hands. He could see that she looked nervous, and he could assume why, the boy deciding to play with her and taking a few steps towards her. Before he could get too close she hurried past him, the girl leaning against his dresser, her back hitting the drawers as she gave him a nervous look. He turned back to look at her, furrowing his eyebrows in humorous confusion.

"You alright?" He asked, wondering what her answer would be.

"Yep. Just...don't wanna be in your way." Steve nodded warily at her, an idea coming to his head and the boy taking a few steps towards her. She couldn't move fast enough, the girl trapped against the dresser and Steve standing in front of her. He reached forwards, past her and to the dresser top behind her, the boy practically hearing the breath stop in her throat. The handle of his top dresser drawer was pushing into her lower back, Christine leaned as far back and away from Steve as she possibly could be. He took another step forwards, their bodies mere centimeters from touching and Christines eyes trying their hardest not to wander.

"Are you nervous or something?" Steve whispered, his breath fanning over her face as she avoided looking at him all together.

"N-no. I'm not nervous." Her stuttering voice gave her away, the corner of Steve's lip fighting to lift as he leaned his head down a little bit. Christine mustered up some courage to make eye contact again, because she really didn't want him to think that he was making her nervous, which he very much was. She hated when Steve would play like this, it only happened every so often but he still would do it from time to time. Take advantage of a situation to see if she still liked him like she did all those months ago.

"Why were you so upset earlier?" Steve whispered between them, Christines chest clenching as she felt the slick fingers of jealousy grip her heart momentarily. She looked up at him with a puzzled look, the girl fighting to drop her eyes over his face. She had hoped he had dropped it, but Steve wasn't one to really drop it, especially when he knows something is up. He hates uncertainty when it came to how someone was feeling.

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