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The serenity of  Steve Harrington's house in the early hours of the morning were unmatched, it was blissfully quiet, and not a single distraction could be heard. The birds outside the window were chirping, the house was perfectly still, and there was nothing but the sleeping breaths of two teens in the house.

Christine was the first to wake up, the girl clinging to whatever sleep she could before she was ripped back into reality. Finally she gave in, her eyes fluttering open as she woke up. For only a moment she was unfamiliar with where she was, but after that moment she was fully aware of whos house she was in. She was drunk last night, but not completely blacked out. She remembered most of it, all of it. Not a single blurry thought about their time together.

Christine was soon able to recognize the weight on her chest, the girl looking down as she saw Steve who was cuddled into her stomach, his arms around her and his breaths against her chest. He was sleeping rather peacefully, and Christine didn't think it was necessary to wake him up. That is until she turned her head and saw the time on his alarm clock, her eyes widening as she realized they had less than an hour till school started. Christine reached down, her hand shaking his shoulder as she called his name.

"Steve wake up! Steve, we gotta go to school." She whisper yelled, trying to wake him up so that they wouldn't be late and also so that they could formulate a plan to not get caught having had a sleepover. Finally the brown haired boy started to stir, his arms slightly tightening around her as he tried to stay asleep. Christine shook him again, Steve letting out a groan as he started to sit up.

"Dude what?" He said, his eyes still closed as he began to rub at them. He was now sitting up beside her, Christine getting up from the bed and starting to try and figure out what to do.

"Steve we gotta start getting ready we're gonna be late to school!" Christine said, this comment making Steve groan and fall back on the bed. He pulled the cover over his head, groaning again and trying to go back to sleep but Christine was quick to pull it off, Steve finally looking up at her as she spoke.

"We gotta go." She said, walking over to where her shoes were laying on the floor. She was quick to pull them back on, the girl getting hit with the sudden urge to use the bathroom. Steve was sitting on the edge of his bed facing away from her,  his head bobbing back and forth as he tried to stay awake. "Where's your bathroom?"

"Down the hall to the left." The girl ran out of the room, heading into the bathroom and using it quickly. She washed her hands, looking at her reflection in his mirror and fixing her hair. She decided to ditch the vest and instead just wear the white shirt, and she was hoping maybe Steve would have some shorts she could wear. She walked out, closing the door behind her and waking right back into Steve's room.

Her eyes widened as she caught sight of a naked Steve, the man only in his underwear as he looked through his drawers. His head turned quickly as he heard the door open, his hands going to cover himself as he yelled.

"Close the door!" He shouted, the girl laughing as she shut the door again. She put her hand over her mouth as she laughed on the other side of the door. It was only a few moments later before he reopened the door, his face red as he allowed her back inside. She once again tried not to laugh, the girl looking him over.

"Do you have any jeans I can borrow?" Christine asked, Steve turning away from her to start looking at his hair in his mirror.

" Nancy doesn't leave clothes here anymore-"

"No I meant yours. We're arguably the same size." Christine said, her face contorting to one of amusement as she caught a glimpse of the look that Steve gave her in the mirror. He shook his head, walking over to his closet and pulling a nice pair of jeans out of it. He threw them towards her, the girl giving him a nod as she started to pull her cargo pants off. "Don't look." She said, not feeling like she wanted to go all the way back to the bathroom to change. Steve sighed, closing his eyes as he twiddled with the comb in his hands, listening to the rustling of fabric as she changed. He got the intrusive thought to open his eyes, the boy squinting slightly to see her reflection in the mirror. As soon as he saw her he clamped his eyes back shut, feeling guilty once again for looking. Finally he was hit with the memories of Nancy the night before, his heart immediately sinking as Christine told him he could look.

"What do you think?" She asked, Steve turning to look at her. The jeans did fit.

"Looks fantastic. So listen, we need to go over game plan."

"Right. So you're gonna take us to school. I'm just not gonna have my homework. It's fine whatever. This night stays between us. Nancy doesn't need to know we're friends. Do you have a jacket or like a sweatshirt or something?" He reached into the closet once again, throwing her a sweatshirt as he continued to think.

"Nancy's gonna know you didn't come home last night because she's gonna wake up and you're not gonna be there. Then what?" Christine thought for a moment, her eyes catching her reflection in the mirror as she spotted the hickeys that she was about to cover with the sweatshirt. She pulled it on, a genius thought occurring to her, her lips lighting up with a smile.

"Billy. I went home with Billy." She said, giving Steve a nod. He looked her over, she was pretty much the spitting image of him in his clothes, the pants a little too long for her but still fitting decently well. His shirt was kind of big on her, almost making him laugh but he just shrugged,  nodding back at her.

"Alright I'm gonna go brush my teeth. And get you a mint, your breath is probably rancid." Steve said, heading out of the door. Christine mocked him as he walked away, rolling her eyes as she put her hands in her pockets. She took this as her chance to snoop around his room, her eyes lighting up as she got a glimpse into Steves life.

She pulled his top drawer open, stifling through his underwear with a laugh building in her throat as she did so. She closed the drawer, looking at some pictures he had on the top of his dresser, one of him and Nancy, one of two people she supposed were his parents. He had some baseball cards beside the pictures, the girl picking them up and looking through them, her eyes scanning the cards.

"Come on Steve give me something." She said to herself, putting the baseball cards down and walking over to his closet. She was looking for anything that they could relate on at all, and while she knew her fair share about baseball due to the fact she came from Chicago,  she wasn't quite sure Steve was all that interested in the sport.  She found that the only thing they seemed to have in common at the moment was Nancy, and Christine hated that, because she really liked Steve.

"Okay I couldn't find a mint but I did find a toothbrush that's still in the container so you can use that. Why are you in my closet?" Steve came into the room, the girl jumping as he spoke. He was holding a toothbrush in his right hand, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the girl. She gave him a sheepish smile as she backed out of the closet, her eyes slightly widened as she realized she was caught.  She grabbed the toothbrush from his hand, giving him a thanks and then going back to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth, the girl noticing something about his bathroom that she hadn't noticed before. There was a cabinet behind the mirror. She opened it as she continued to brush, her eyes widening and a smile crossing her lips as she looked at what she had found.

Farrah Fawcett hairspray.

Suddenly the great hair made a lot of sense.

She finished up, wiping her face and sitting the toothbrush down on the countertop. She walked out, Steve walking past her quickly as she stepped out.

"We gotta go!" He said, looking back to make sure she was following. She was. They both got into Steve's car, the boy briefly remembering that he was Nancy's ride to school but deciding that there was no way he could pick her up after what had happened and also because Christine was currently in his car. He looked over at the girl, watching as she fixed her hair in his mirror.

"Alright Harrington! Let's go!"

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