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"So did you guys just talk or was there more to it?" Steve Harrington asked, the boy having asked so many questions about the lunch in the last few minutes that Christine was getting irritated.

"Can you shut up and stop asking about it? We have more important things going on than to talk about my love life." Christine said, shaking her head at Steve as they leaned over the edge of the ledge. Steve rolling his eyes, looking away for only a moment before turning his head back to her.

"So when you say love life what does that mean?"

"Seriously be quiet."

"Okay. Okay fine. I'm done." Steve sat there for a moment with his arms crossed, his face deep in thought before he leaned back over toward her ear, his head turning to look at her and his eyebrows furrowed as he couldn't help but speak again. "But does love life mea-"


"Okay sorry. I'm sorry." He said, running a hand through his hair and finally dropping it. Robin pressed the button on the walkie talkie, lifting it to her lips and speaking into it.

"Erica, do you copy?"

"Mm-Hmm I copy. You nerds in position or what?" Erica said on the other end of the walkie talkie, Robin quick to answer.

"Yeah were in position."

"So was I right to call it a date?" Steve whispered to the girl, his eyes not leaving the  ground in front of him. Christine groaned, the girl backing away form him and crouching got the other side of Dustin. Steve held his arms out in question as she did this, confused as to what he was doing that would make her move.

"It's all quiet here so you've got the green light." Robin whispered into the talkie,  Christine avoiding Steve's curious eyes and thinking face. He seemed like he was trying to put together a puzzle or that he was acting like the smartest person ever, when really he was just annoying her.

"Green light, Roger that. Commence Operation Child Endangerment." Erica said through the walkie talkie, Christine chuckling a little as Robin put on  an uneasy voice.

"Can we maybe not call it that?" Steve nodded in agreement, not quite liking the way she was describing the situation.

"See you on the other side. Nerds." When she made that remark Christine smiled to herself again, thinking about how much she really was Lucas' sister. A thought occurred to her, the girl wondering for just a moment about what was going on with Billy and the girls and Hopper who was MIA now. She had been so caught up with the Russians thats he forgot that there were other things going on.

There were a few minutes of tense silence before Erica finally reconnected with them, all of them leaning closer to the walkie talkie to hear her.

"Alright nerds. I'm there." Christine sighed in relief as she said it, her eyebrows raising in surprise at how well this plan was going.

"Do you—do you see anything?"

"Yeah I see those boring boxes you're so excited about." Erica said through the radio, Christine feeling like something was going right.

"Any guards?"


"Booby traps?" Christine almost laughed at Robins  comment, Erica quick to shoot back.

FAMILIAR ↳ STEVE HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now