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After leaving the meat trail they finally arrived at the destination, Steve being the first to speak when they got there.

"Oh yeah. Yeah this will do. This will do just fine." Steve said, taking off his sunglasses as he started to walk forwards. Christine was quick to follow after him, giving Dustin a thumbs up as Steve commended him for his good idea. They continued the trail, dropping the rest of their meat buckets in a big pile.

"I said medium-well!" They all turned their heads to look at Lucas and Max, Christine slightly smiling as she saw them. She gave Max a wave, the girl returning it as they headed over.

"Who's that?" Steve asked, his head turning to Dustin. His face slightly fell as he realized how exactly that girl was, the one who they had talked about on the whole walk over here. Dustin grabbed Lucas, pulling him behind a car and the two of them having a discussion. Steve started directing the two girls, Christine walking over to Max and speaking.

"Hey what're you doing here?" Christine asked, grabbing a scrap of metal and throwing it onto the pike that Steve was making. Max followed suit, shaking her head as she answered the older girl.

"Lucas told me some bullshit story and this is my evidence." Max said, gesturing towards the bus. Christine walked over and grabbed another piece of metal, shaking her head.

"That's funny. Same here." She said. The two girls engaged in some more conversation, comparing stories while they piled scrap metal together, Steve getting the boys to help them. The fortification of the bus was a pretty hard job, Steve yelling at Christine numerous times for not knowing what to do, the girl starting to get irritated every time he spoke.

Steve began to pour a line of gasoline from the meat to the door of the bus, Christine using the ladder that Max had put inside to climb to the top of the bus. She pushed herself out of the hole, the girl gaining her footing and looking around. She pushed the sleeves of Steve's jacket up a little bit, breathing gin the fresh air as she watched the man in question prepare their 'battlefield'. Christine stood up there, watching as the sun began to set.

For the first time since she had been here she thought that Hawkins was beautiful, the orange rays touching every single bit of land that it could, the girl already seeing a few stars peeking from the blanket of darkness that was coming. She let out a sigh, acting as if she wasn't at all phased by what she was doing and where she was. The sunset was beautiful and she never wanted to stop looking at it.

"Get in here Christine. It's almost time." Dustin called from the bottom of the ladder, the girl nodding to herself as she turned her back on the sunset. She looked into the hole, Steve looking back up at her and noticing the ethereal glow that the sunset was casting behind her, making her almost angelic in his eyes.

She dropped back into the bus, walking past the two boys and towards the corner to sit on the floor and wait. For awhile they sat there, Lucas crawling up the ladder and onto the top of the bus and Max following. Christine watched Steve playing with the lighter, a perplexed look on his face as he did so. She took this as her opportunity to talk to him, she was getting bored and talking to Steve was her best option. She scooted over to him, Steve closing the lighter and giving her a  half smile as she slid into his side.

"You know Max is Billy's sister?" She broke the  silence between them, Christine pulling her knees up in front of her as she spoke. Steve didn't know that, shaking his head as he thought about Billy who he really didn't like.

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