Done with hospitals

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One month has passed. I haven't slept in my apartment since Troye has left. I didn't know when his plane landed, so he would just have to drive here himself. Over the month we talked everyday for hours. It was mainly us starring at each other, giggling. He put me as his #MCM last week, which had the entire internet exploding. It was harder for me and Troye to be together in public since of our reputations online. Half of YouTube had #troyler as a set thing. For Troye to put that on his insta was pretty big. Hours had passed and I got a call from Troye. "Hey there my one and only. Long time no see" I said into the phone. "Hey, Tyler can you come pick me up. I'm at the hospital" said Troye. "What happened!" I practically screamed into the phone. "Nothing, I'm fine. I may or may not have been driving on the wrong side of the road." Said Troye. "I'm on my way" and I was off.

I had just gotten my truck rental. I had rented an old pick up truck while I was in LA since this was going to be my longest stay here. On my way to Tyler's, I drove in a two way road. I quickly forgot what side to drive on since I wasn't on the free way. Soon I was crashing into a car. I jumped out of my truck to see it was Shane who I hit. Instead of calling 911, I put him in the back seat of the pickup. Tyler had mentioned that him and Joey had been really good friends lately, so I picked him up for some odd reason. Joey was tariffed. He was holding Shane's hand, talking to him, kissing his head. It seemed like something more, but I had no time to think about that. He was dying. He needed a hospital. At the hospital I was told that the crash was not my fault, that the steering wheel was broken. That it failed while trying to pass a car. That was a story I could live with. Not having to go to court. Well there goes my six month truck rental. Tyler met me at the hospital. "Is everyone ok? What happened? Are you hurt?" Said Tyler the moment he walked in. "I'm fine, but Shane isn't. "I said. "I want to spend the first night here with him. He's in open admission so we don't have to be related." I continued. "I think that's a great idea." Said Tyler. He grabbed my hand and we walked down the hall. As we walked into the room I noticed something. Joey was crying. He was crying and holding Shane's hand. It looked more like Joey and Shane had something, something no one knew about, but I didn't need to focus on that. I needed to focus on Shane. "How is he doing?" I asked. "Doctor says he will make through the night, but tomorrow is a different story." Said Joey, tears racing down his face. The next morning I woke up in Tyler's arms. It was sitting in a hospital chair, but still in his arms. By noon, more people had shown up. Sawyer, Cali, Angelique, and Lisa were here now. We barely talked. "How long have you need in town Troye?" asked Sawyer. "I flew in last night actually" I said. "My, uh, truck, ya my truck, had a steering problem so that's why we're all here right now." I continued. Sawyer gave me a harsh look. "Troye it's ok, it wasn't even your truck" said Lisa walking over to pat me on the back. Another silent day had passed. The place was starting to get to me. Then in an instant I was done. I couldn't take it. "You know what, this is it! I'm not going to sit here and wait for one of my friends to die in a hospital! I hope he gets better, but I've have sat here for two days! I'm done." I yelled and walked out of the room. Tyler followed me. "How you feeling?" Tyler asked walking next I me. "Fine, well, I don't know. I flew here to be with you not sit in a hospital for days on end." I said. My anger was all built up inside me. "You came back to be with me?" Asked Tyler starting to blush. "Well, ya. Of course I did" I said thinking that he already knew. "I thought you came back for music, and seeing me was just something extra." Said Tyler as we walked out of the hospital. "Try switching you and music around" I said putting my arm around him.

We walked back to his car, then went and got some real food. Not cafeteria food. It was a nice change. "So Troye, what was it you wanted to tell me?" Asked Tyler while spooning guacamole into his mouth. "Nothing, it's stupid" I said eating a chip. "No seriously, tell me." He said. He was so persistent. It was one of the things that made me fall for him. He just wouldn't give up. "No, your going to laugh" I said. "I like to laugh" he responded. "Fine, I was going to say that we never say a certain three word phrase to each other." I said trying not to break under the pressure. "Oh, well, maybe you will get some second wordin' later tonight" he said bitting his lip and rubbing his foot against my leg. I felt my pants tighten and face go red. He threw me a smirk. I had to pick up my flirt game. He was so beating me. So I did, I picked up my flirt game. The table was not that wide so it was pretty easy for me. "Maybe, if your lucky enough" I said throwing him a wink and rubbing my hand on his knee. I saw him bite his lip in pain. it was such a turn on. "Check-and-mate." I said throwing him another wink. It was at this point he was done playing hard to get. He just wanted to get some.

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