The party of a thousand secrets

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We pulled up to the event. I saw Joey and Shane pull up. They were talking in there car when we were walking in. Open bar, I needed a drink. I only got half the vodka in my mixed drink so I wouldn't get totally plastered and ruin my plans. I also got a drink for Troye since he looked really on edge about leaving tomorrow. I saw Angelique and started talking to her.
"So I'm getting an ultrasound next week" she said.
"So your actually pregnant?"
"I think my 8 positive pregnancy tests would say that"
"So what are you going to do?"
"I'm not going to tell Sawyer, that's for sure"
"Why not?"
"If he knew I was pregnant, I wouldn't even know how he would react. We broke up over the fact that I supported Joey and sha- I mean umm,"
"Don't worry, I know about Joey and shane"
"Ok, it's hard sometimes for me not to slip up. Speak of the devil, there he is" she said rushing to go hug him. I went to the bar to get a couple shots, and went to go talk to Joey. "Hey Joey! It's turn up time!" I said putting my arm around his neck. "No thanks. After the last time I drank with you, I think I'll sit this one out" he said. "Come on! It will take the edge off" I said. He pushed me off his shoulder. "How about you take this one for me, and I'll take one for you later" he said. I took one of the shots, then gave the other one to troye. "Tyler, you know you can't hold liquor" he said. "It's only half liquor" I said. "I barely have a buzz, don't worry" I said giving him a kiss. We were soon that couple that is making out in the corner. Connor was on the stage but I don't remember what he said, I was to focused on troye. Then Joey was on the stage, the entire crowd went into awe, and troye broke away. "Do you know what's going on?" I asked troye. "No clue, but it looks important" he said. Shane was walking up on the stage. "Shane, I have loved you for as long as I remember. I don't know what I would do without you. Shane lee yaw Dawson, would you do me the greatest honor of letting me be your husband?" Joey said, tears running down both their faces. "Did you know about this?" Troye asked me. "I did know he had talked about it, but I didn't think he was serious" There was then a door slam From the back door behind the bar. Soon the entire crowd was cheering, Connor was back up on the stage. "That was a surprise turn of events" he said. "Does anyone else have something to confess about love?" He said jokingly. Soon troye was up on the stage, I didn't even notice him leave my side. I ran up onto the stage next to him. "We're married!" He yelled out. Soon everyone was on the stage yelling out their biggest secrets. After about three no one was listening, they were just yelling. A lot of people were congratulating us on getting hitched. "I have one last thing to confess" I said pulling troye near me. "What is it?" He said pulling me close as well. "I couldn't love anyone like I love you. You are the love of my life" I said. He kissed me. There was yelling, and confetti, and alcohol being sprayed everywhere. But we were in our own little bubble of love. "I've got an idea" troye said. "What's your idea?" I asked. "Let's. Get. Wasted." He said. I thought about the idea. "Let's do it" I said and we went to the bar and grabbed like five bottles of liquor and left. Soon we were wasted messes. We were love drunk, tripping over each other down the streets. With any of my brain I had left, I tried to get us home. We some how ended up at Connors. Being that drunk, I couldn't care less. I think we were looking for a condom when we passed out on the floor. I didn't know what time it was, troye and I had a flight in the morning, and in that moment, I couldn't care less.

I woke up on the floor in Tyler's arms with a open box of condoms spilt over me. We were in a bathroom somewhere. We had gotten so drunk that I barely remember anything. I stumbled out of the bathroom to see a clock on the wall said 11:30. My flight left in two hours. I went back into the bathroom to try and wake up Tyler, but he wasn't having it. So then I stumbled into the Kitchen. I fell straight to the floor. "Troye? How the hell did you get here?" Connor said helping me to my feet. "I woke up in your bathroom with tyler" I said as he helped me to a chair. "Why did you and Tyler pass out in my bathroom?" He asked getting me some coffee. "We decided to get drunk last night after the party, and somewhere within that, we ended up here" I said taking a sip of my coffee. "Well that explains where the vodka, scotch, whiskey, fireball, and rum went" he said. "Don't you leave today?" He continued. "Ya, can you drive Tyler and I to our car. And help me get Tyler there?" I asked. "Troye, you and Tyler are my friends, you don't even have to ask" he said.

Soon we were carrying tyler to Connors car. Tyler woke up in the back seat halfway there. "Where are we?" He asked. "Connor is driving us to your car" I said to Tyler. "I can drive home." He said sitting up. "Are you sure, you are like the worst when your hungover" I said to him. "No, you have a long flight, I can drive" he said. He was so persistent, it was kinda hot. We pulled up to the car. Tyler jumped out with a spring in his step, like we were just going home, like he didn't have to drive me to the airport. "Is Tyler ok?" Connor asked. "To be honest, I have no idea" I said.

After a long and gushy goodbye, I was boarding a plane to Perth. When I finally got there, there was a man waiting for me at the airport. "Who are you?" I asked him. "Are you troye Sivan mellet?" He asked me "yes, but what is this about?" I asked. he led me to a taxi outside. A man was waiting at the taxi to open the door. He opened the door and had me sit down. My window was open, and the man with my name card handed me a letter, then the car drove off. I opened the letter to find a small card on the inside. 'You have been summoned' it read. One thought went through my mind. Shit.

Oooooooh. What's gonna happen next? Sorry I haven't updated in sooooooo long. Idk how long I've been doing this story for. It's almost done. I swear. Gtg. Promise I'll update soon. Bye!

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