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Miranda walked around looking for Ben. She grabbed a water bottle and tissues before searching the halls.

Finally finding him by the back stairs she saw him sitting on a un used bed. Miranda could see his tears and her heart ached for him because that was his friend.

Miranda walked over and sat down beside him quietly. She sat the water to the side and just sat and waited for him to open up.

"I can't believe it's Miller after everything." Ben commented.

"I know." Miranda replied sadly. She heard Ben sniffling and he leaned in to her. Miranda instantly pulled him into a hug as she turned her body. Ben put his face in her neck as he cried.

Miranda rubbed the back of his head and let him get it all out. "I know honey. I know." She said softly.

After a while Ben's cries quieted down and he was just silent.

"Hughes?" Ben asked.

"We are triaging her and running test to rule out cardiac injury."

"This will destroy her, I mean it's gonna destroy all of us but Hughes...

"Oh his baby girl. What's going to happen to that poor thing." Miranda gasped.

Ben looked up at her with sad eyes.

"What?" She questioned.

Ben looked perplexed for a while and Miranda was still waiting. "Ben what?"

"We are, well I guess I am taking her."

"What do you mean you are taking her?"

"When me and Miller were out in the water he asked me if anything were to happen to him would we take Pru."

Miranda stared at him with wide eyes and before she could say anything Andy and Travis walked up.

"Miller?" They questioned.

Ben shook his saying no sadly and he watched as their faces drooped. "Nooo." Travis voiced.

Ben stood and embraced them. Miranda stood there watching. She wanted to be upset with Ben but how could she be, they were not together when he was out in the water.

That was one of the scariest days of her life.

"Hey ma." Tuck greeted into the phone.

"Hey honey." Miranda smiled into the phone.

"I was calling to ask if you talked to dad today?"

"No I haven't what's up?" Miranda replied.

"Well he had the firefighter banquet today and I knew he wasn't going to be done until around 6. I told him I had basketball practice and he said that he would pick me up, however he didn't. I got Robbie’s mom to drop me off but dad still wasn't home. Joey is here and he hasn't heard from him either. We tried to call but we got no response. It's late now and I'm worried." Tuck explained.

"Maybe he had a big call. I'll call him and call the station or someone." Miranda assured Tuck before hanging up.

Miranda called Ben and like normal he didn't answer. She called the station and the person at the front desk told her there was no call and the banquet was over as well. Miranda sighed, she was now worried about him.

First cancer, now he's missing. She hoped to God he wasn't anywhere passed out. They still didn't know what stage he was in or if it took a toll on his body.

Miranda called Dean and next she was calling Hughes.

"Hello." Vic answered sadly and she could hear panic and a bunch of noise in the back ground.

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