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Miranda felt bad with actually fighting for Pru. She didn't want her to see that the people who cared about her were fighting back and forth. Maybe being with her grandparents was better.

After meeting with their lawyer during breakfast, Miranda decided that she wanted to stand down. She didn't want to fight with them.

She stood by the dishwasher unloading it and listening to Ben rant about the Miller's.

"It's not like they are hard up for cash." Miranda through in and Ben looked at her strangely.

"I know you can be cold but when did you suddenly get this cold?" Ben questioned.

"Oh don't act like my heart isn't every bit of broken as yours."

"It's not time for you to be heartbroken it's time for us to fight." Ben argued snatching the plate out of her hand.

"Bennn, look it's not right. Ripping that child from her grandparents, fighting over property. This can not be us. This can not be what Miller wanted." Miranda countered.

"No what Miller wanted was for her to be with us and for her to grow up with that place. To know where her dad was his happiest. Where her dad became a man. Where her dad  set things in motion nor just for her future but for the world."

Miranda eyes widen. Ben was just being sentimental.

"No okay no, don't look at me like that. I'm being sentimental... don't you see what they're doing. They don't care about what Dean wanted because they never cared about what he wanted. They only wanted to control him. To squeeze out every part of him that they didn't approve of...Dean hated that, which is why he wanted his daughter to be raised by us." Ben explained putting his hands on her shoulder to make her have eye contact with him fully.

"Ben." Miranda started as her eyes got misty.

"Miranda you are normally right about everything, except our divorce and this. You are not right about this." Ben returned as he walked to finish putting g the dishes up. He was breathing heavy because he was angry. Miranda stood and watched him before walking closer.

"Okay." She relented.

"Okay?" Ben questioned.

"You're right." She retorted.

Ben blew out a breath and wanted to smile. This was the first time Miranda has ever just out right said that he was right. "So we are going to fight?" Ben questioned walking closer and Miranda nodded her head. "We are going to fight for her?" Ben clarified.

"We're going to fight." Miranda returned with a smile nodding her head. Ben laughed happily and pulled her into a hug.

Ben was previously informed by Jack that the Miller's was over at Dean's house so both him and Miranda deemed it as the perfect opportunity to go talk to them. To try to reason with them.

Miranda road with Ben and she could tell he was anxious. "This is a beautiful house." Miranda told him as they walked around to get to the front door.

"Yeah it is. I enjoyed living here on the water."

"When did you live here?" Miranda questioned.

"When you left me the first time." Ben replied.

"Oh." Miranda said awkwardly.

Ben knocked on the door before walking in and Miranda waved saying hi.

"My granddaughter is not here. She's with her aunt...my daughter...her family."

Miranda already knew how this was going to go. "Uh that's good. That's fine. We came here actually because we wanted to speak with you."

"Yeah because we don't want to fight with you...with lawyers, we want peace for you...for ourselves, for Pru. We are hoping that we can talk it out and come to an agreement." Miranda explained.

Ben and Miranda listened to ifeya talk about Dean being wrong.

"Your son was an adult and made verbal and legally documented decisions for his daughter." Miranda countered stepping closer to Ben.

Ifeya countered Miranda with her own statement about Dean being wrong once more and if he would have listened to his parents he wouldn't be dead.

Ben stepped In with his own opinion. "With all due respect. I know you are in pain but I don't think you are being fair. "

"You don't have to think it's fair. It's the truth."

Miranda pulled her purse onto her shoulder and ifeya stepped back to look at her. "How do you let him do it."

"I'm sorry." Miranda asked confused.

"How do you let your husband Who's a trained surgeon. Jeopardize his life everyday and call it a career?"

Miranda wished she could have prevented him from choosing the dumb career. She honestly tried. "Uh I'm not in charge of Ben's decision making, no more than you were in charge of Dean's." Miranda answered fixing the button on Ben's coat.

"Don't you think a husband would have enough respect for his wife and children to prioritize his own life over the lives of strangers." She continued.

Miranda understood exactly  where the woman was coming from. "Okay that's enough." Ben hopped in.

"You March on to my property...you start making demands and you tell me when's enough."

"Yeah but you don't have the right to speak to my wife that way." Ben raised his voice. "Ben I'm capable of speaking for my self."

"My husband is a brave and noble man. He is a hero who saves lives everyday, as was your son. He does a job very few are brave enough to do and that doesn’t make him less a husband and it doesn’t make him less a father." Miranda countered.

"Yes, but it dose make him a man that is likely to be dead before his time."

"How dare you. How dare." Miranda argued hurt as she moved to get into the woman's face but she felt Ben pull her arm.

"How dare I? How dare you?. You want me to hand my only grand child over to you. So she can loose and bury yet another father. You want her to suffer more than she already has.  How dare you ?" She argued.

Miranda was ready to leave at this point. She was on the verge of tears. It hurt that the same feeling she was having about Ben working as a firefighter. Someone else could call out the same danger and list out the very real scenario of him dying but she had no right to say it. She had no right to tell her that he was going to be dead before his time. Miranda prayed everyday to God to just let Ben live and be okay."

They continued talking, getting now where until Miranda was ready to leave. She grabbed Ben's hand pulling him out the door.

They were quiet on the ride back to the house. The tension in the car was thick.

"He's a hero...a brave and noble man." Ben repeated her words from earlier.

"I believe that. I wasn't exaggerating. You save lives every day." Miranda responded.

"But It does make me less a husband and father."

"What?" Miranda asked looking at him.

Ben gave her a look saying she was full of shit.

"You are the absolute best father. You're incredible when it comes to those two boys and you will be with Pru as well. I don't think being a firefighter makes you less a father. You know how thrilled I was when I was pregnant. I was thrilled because it was YOUR baby."

"But clearly it makes me less a husband because you are asking for a divorce because of this very job."

"You know I hate your job. I don't think me leaving you has anything to do with you being less a husband. You were a great husband. I just don't think I am the right wife to deal with your career. There probably is another woman for you. Who will love your job and can handle it but I can't."

"I am the weak one in this marriage not you." She added.

Another week passed and Ben got off of work early, he was unbelievably tired. He was honestly glad that Pru was with her grandparents tonight meaning he could rest and not have to worry about getting up early in the morning.

Ben walked into the house and he walked to their bedroom, immediately gasping when Miranda walked out of the bathroom naked.

"What the hell Ben?" Miranda shrieked but she was so use to him seeing her naked. She didn't shy away other than moving her hand to cover her breast.

"I'm sorry I would have knocked where is your car?"

"I got Grey to follow me to the dealership. I needed an oil change. They are going to check and rotate my tires and all that good stuff." Miranda said walking to grab a night gown.

Ben stared Miranda up and down multiple time. He was sleepy when he walked in but now everything was alert and he was trying to tell his body to come down and especially his penis.

Miranda looked over at Ben and she watched as he took in her body. She was glad that he still reacted to her like this.

It made her feel good that he still wanted her. Despite his whole rant a couple weeks ago about him having needs and other people filling them. It looked like he needed her.

Miranda turned fully and took her hands off her breast leaning by the dresser.

"You like what you see Benjamin?" Miranda asked with a smirk.

"You know I do." Ben replied

"Come here." Miranda smirked.

"No, I shouldn't. We shouldn't, it will be too confusing."

"What did you tell me weeks ago about your needs. You have them so let me take care of them." Miranda purred walking close to him and grabbing his hand leading him to the bed.


"You know I love it when you call my name." Miranda teased pushing him back.

She climbed over top of him straddling his lap. Miranda then made up in her mind that she was going to Fuck Ben's brains out, his comment pissed her off weeks ago. She knew it was a lie but still it bruised her ego a little and she was going to snatch it back by snatching his soul.

She was the best he's ever had and there was no question about that.

"What about the kids?" Ben asked.

"The boys are with your sister for the weekend. You told me you are off tomorrow so we have all night." Miranda replied leaning down to kiss his lips.

"Tell me you want me as much as I want you." Miranda commanded.

"I want you so much." Ben told her and Miranda smiled and kissed his lips again, nibbling on his bottom lip.

She then used her tongue to lick across his lip asking for entrance and Ben quickly granted opening, so his tongue swiped against hers as they feverishly kissed.

Miranda scooted up some and she sat directly on his hard-on. Just the thought about being with Ben again made her wet a ridiculous amount.

Miranda cupped his face with both hands as they kissed and she began to grind again him before gripping the bottom of his long sleeve red shirt and pulled it up. Ben sat up a little so it could come off and Miranda rubbed her hands across his naked chest, massaging as she went.

Miranda leaned down and kissed his chest and then licked, earning a groan from Ben as he gripped her hips because she was still moving her self and grinding against him.

Ben looked up at this siren of a woman and he saw the wicked determination in her eyes. He knew his comment weeks ago hurt her feelings and she was getting ready to make him eat his words. It really was a point she didn't have to prove but he was going to enjoy the ride.
Miranda was so wet that he could feel it saturating through his jeans.

Miranda sat up and began fiddling with his belt, un buckling it quickly. She pushed his boxers down with his pants leaving them at his knees.

His penis sprung free and brushed against Miranda causing her to moan loudly. Miranda reached down and grabbed Ben's penis and she rubbed her clit against it before wetting him with her juices. Ben was trying to control himself but it was impossible to not buck in her hand when his penis brushed pass her entrance.

Miranda looked down at Ben with a smile as she teased the both of them. She decided to give in when she saw the desperation in his eyes. "God, you are so hard for me." Miranda acknowledged.

"You ready for me?" She asked Ben and he nodded his head. Miranda smiled at him and she grabbed his member once again, positioning it at her entrance as she began to sit down on him.

"Fuck." Both of them moaned loudly. Miranda raised up slowly and guided back down contracting her core as she went a long a couple of times. She could see in Ben's eyes that he was already in the zone of no return. Once men got there it was nothing else they could do but cum.

Miranda raised up again squeezing him before slamming back down on him forcefully. The sound of their skin slamming together, echoed off the walls of their bedroom. Ben came immediately. His toes curled as he gripped Miranda's hip aggressively and moaned her name loudly.

Miranda moaned from being filled with Ben's cum and she licked her lips. She rubbed his face soothingly waiting for him to recollect himself.

Miranda grinned slowly until Ben opened his eyes and she knew it was go time. Ben reached up and cupped her breast. Thumbing and pinching her nipples as she moved.

"Oh god yes, yes." Miranda cried out from pleasure as she moved.

Miranda began to ride Ben roughly her hips moving like a skilled dancer and she placed her hands flat against his chest.

Miranda loved every moan, grunt and groan that came from Ben's lips. She was so in tuned to him, everything he did brought pleasure to her. Miranda slowed down and looked at Ben as he shook his head no. He did not want her to slow down at all. Ben gripped her hips with one hand and began to move her on his penis. Miranda pulled his hands off her hip and she shook her head.

"Tell me something Benjamin." Miranda purred.

"Anything." Ben replied desperately wanting her to stop with the slow torment.

"Tell me that you need me." Miranda demanded.

"I need you Miranda. I really do." Ben replied quickly and Miranda smiled speeding up again before coming to a slow drag again.

"Mirandaaaa." Ben almost wined.

"Am I the only one that can make you feel like this?" She questioned winding her hips.

"Yes baby. You are the only one." He gave in.

"Thank you." Miranda cheesed and she leaned down putting both hands flat on the mattress beside his head. She leaned her face by his ear as she moaned loudly and began to ride him harder. Ben couldn't help but to thrust up into her. Meeting her thrust for thrust.

His hands found his way to her ass as he palmed and gripped before smacking her ass hard.

"Shit." Miranda hissed followed by a moaned. "God you are so good Benjamin. I love your dick." Miranda moaned as she bite his ear.

Miranda sat up some and cupped his face with one hand staring into his eyes. "You love my pussy?" She questioned but already knew the answer too.

"It's the best...I'm the best. I'm the best you ever had?"

Ben stayed silent as Miranda moved, sweat was slicking both of their bodies like sheen.

"Answer me or I stop." Miranda commanded.

"Yes Miranda I love your pussy. You are the best I ever had and always will be." Ben answered.

"I thought so." Miranda chimed as she began to bounce up and down on him quickly. She looked behind her and smirked when the heels of Ben's foot dug into their mattress.

Ben knew Miranda was close to coming. Her walls were contracting around him consistently. He wrapped one arm around her waist and his other hand cupped the back of her head as he pulled her body forward. Miranda's head was now close by his ear again and he began to thrust up into her honeypot.

With Ben holding her the way he was Miranda was un mercifully trapped in this position and had to take all of his penis and hard thrust. Not that she minded at all. "Fuck Benjamin." Miranda moaned loudly as he pounded up into her.

Her breast was in his face and he caught her left nipple in his mouth and sucked hard.

"Yes. Yes. Yes. Baby. It's so good." Miranda moaned.

Ben kept pounding and thrusting up into her and Miranda's wetness was dripping down his penis and messily dripping onto their sheets beneath them.

Miranda placed her hand on Ben's chest to push up against. To slow him down but he wasn't having it. He gripped her harder, keeping his hold on the back of her head and waist tight.

"It's funny. You wanted to prove that I needed you but proving that only proved how much you needed me. There's no one that's going to fuck you better than me ever." Ben informed and Miranda knew that.

The impact of Ben's pelvis slamming against her clit as his dick hit her g-spot was enough for Miranda.

"Dam it Benjamin. I'm cumming." Miranda shrieked and Ben pounded into her harder and faster consistently making Miranda's body shake.

"Uhhhhhh." She dragged out as she orgasmed.

"Oh oh oh ohhhhhhh." Miranda groaned again as liquid expelled from her. Gushing out like a pail of water was knocked over.

"Benjamin Warren." She moaned as her body arched before crashing down on him completely.

Ben flipped them over and continued moving like he didn't just un earth her. Miranda stared up at him as she reached up and gripped his arms.

Her mouth was slightly parted as she let a string of moans and grunts leave. "Uhhh. Uhhh. Uhh."

She tried to take her leg and wrapped it around his waist but the trembling prevented her. Ben smirked and raised her legs up, placing them on his shoulder.

He reached down and rubbed her engorged clit faster and Miranda swore she saw stars and her vision blurred.

"Mmm-hmm cum all over this dick." Ben moaned appreciating her creaminess and wetness. It normally took a little bit more for Miranda to squirt but it had been so long since they were together sexually, that she was so sensitive and gushing almost at every thrust.

This wasn't a game but still Miranda felt like she was loosing. She pushed passed her euphoria and moved her legs from his shoulder wrapping them around his waist as she set up. Ben had to reposition himself to be comfortable, therefore.. the two of them found themselves sitting up in the lotus position. Miranda gripped Ben's shoulder and placed her hand on the back of his head.

Ben wrapped his arm around her back and the other cupped the back on her neck as Miranda began to move on him.

"You're an animal." Ben voiced referring to her sexual appetite.

"Oh like you're not." Miranda retorted.

"Miranda shut up and Fuck."

"That's what I've been doing and you shut up Benjamin and fuck me" Miranda returned.

"You always gotta have the last word."

"I think you're talking about your self. You are the most stubbornness man I've ever met." Miranda stated rocking against him

"Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black." Ben countered as he thrusted up into her.

"What eve---ohhh shit." Miranda moaned as Ben thrusted up hard hitting her g-spot.

"That's what I tho- damn it Miranda...Fuck." Ben groaned as Miranda clenched around him tightly.

Ben pulled back so to see the glint in Miranda's eyes. "You really like to play games."

"I play and I win Benjamin." Miranda responded.

"Okay we will see about that." Ben smirked. As he leaned back and straightened his legs out. He kept Miranda positioned on top of him and bent her knees on top of his thighs. Miranda leaned back on her hands and she watched as Ben did the same.  She loved this position- the golden arch. This position gave them both nice views of each other’s full bodies and they both had control over the depth, speed, and angle of the thrusts.

After they were completely spent they laid next to one another panting and looking up at the ceiling before she turned and laid on his chest.

"We are not doing that again. You are not going to use me." Ben said firmly.

"Use you?" Miranda questioned quickly.

"Yes, you are just going to be using me for sex. This will not start a fling. I'm just letting you know up front. It's either all or nothing. You don't want me but want good sex and it's not going to happen."

Miranda stayed silent and she scooted off of his chest and turned on her side pulling the covers up over her body.

"I'm not talking about tonight, I'm talking about tomorrow and the days after that." Ben clarified as he pulled her body into him and kissed the side of her head.

He could use her being with him even if it was just tonight. He hated that he loved her the way that he did.

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