Ben held Pru in his arms and her bag was on his other as he rung Miranda's door bell and he waited patiently for her to answer.

"Hey baby girl."

"Hey" Miranda greeted them both.

Ben looked at her and she looked horrible. Her eyes were heavy and looked swollen. Her nose was read and lips were dry.

"Miranda you look horrible. Are you alright?" Ben questioned.

"Uh I just have a cold." Miranda shrugged and you could hear in her voice that she was congested.

"Where are the boys?" Ben questioned.

"They went with Tucker for the weekend to a basketball game and I'm going to be alright…I'm pass the part of being contagious." Miranda explained.

Ben shook his head at her. "I will call Ros to keep Pru for the weekend. I have a date but you need rest Miranda." Ben insisted walking inside the house.

He sat Pru in the living room and cut the TV on.

"Have you eaten anything?"

"I was going to call in some soup. I didn't have the strength to make anything."

Ben sighed. How was she going to get any better if she didn't eat or drink fluids.

"Go lay down Miranda. I'll get you some food."

Ben called Rosalind and asked could she come pick Pru up. He looked at the time and he knew he was going to be late for his date with Adrian. So he sent her text asking to push the time back for an hour.

Ben walked into the fridge and he looked at the vegetables she had. He washed his hands before he started cutting up carrots and celery.

He grabbed two things of chicken broth and pour it into a pot.

He looked in the fridge once again and saw that she had pre cooked chicken breast that she uses for salads and he grabbed it because it would have to work with this soup.

After boiling the noodles. Ben added garlic, bay leaves, thyme, oregano, pepper, and seasoning salt to the broth before adding in the vegetables.

Lastly he added the noodles and chicken and stirred it all together.

Ros called and let him know that she was outside and he grabbed Pru's bag and lifted her up. "You are going to go with Auntie Ros today and I will pick you up tomorrow."

"What about Randa?" She questioned quickly.

"Randa is not feeling well but I'm going to help her get better. You want to go say bye to her?" Ben asked and she nodded.

Ben walked to Miranda's room and he knocked on the door and he looked around at the tissue on the night stand and the trash can close by her bed.

"Bye Randa. Feel better." Pru told her sadly.

"Bye baby girl I am going to miss you but seeing you made me feel a little bit better so thank you." Miranda tried to sound excited but it was followed by a string of coughs.

"I'll be back. I'm going to take her outside to Ros and then I'll bring you the soup I made."

Miranda nodded her head as she closed her eyes.

"Hey Brother and Hi Pru bear." Ros smiled.

"Hey thanks for this and I'll go get her car seat."

Ben buckled Pru up and kissed her forehead.

"Send Miranda my get well soon wishes." Rosalind said as she began to back out of the drive way.

Ben walked back inside the house and he made Miranda a bowl of soup before walking to her room.

"Here you go." Ben offered softly.

"Thank you." Miranda whined happily.

She felt miserable. Her nose was so congested she barely felt like she could breathe. Her throat was sore and she was coughing so much. She had a head ache between her eyes and her eyes were running.

She threw up twice today and that hurt because it was nothing in her stomach.

"I take all these dam vaccines and flu shots and still." Miranda murmured.
“you sure it’s just a cold. Miranda you look bad.” Ben stressed.
“one you look bad was enough and I think so.”

Ben helped her sit up and handed her the bowl. Miranda began to eat as he began to clean up her bedroom throwing away all the snot filled tissues.

He emptied her trash can and cleaned it out setting it back beside her bed in case she needed to throw up again.

Ben could hear her heavy breathing and knew she was struggling to breathe out of her nose.

After she finished eating she set the bowl aside and Ben handed her a bottle of water and medicine. "Here this is for sinus relief...for pain and decongestant. Also just try to drink as much as you can. You need fluids.”

“ tomorrow I'm going to get you some Gatorade and stuff." Ben added.

Miranda nodded taking the pill and drinking the water. Ben got up and grabbed a wash cloth. He ran the water in the bathroom until it was very hot and he wet the rag before ringing it out.

Ben sat on the bed and he handed it to Miranda. Miranda put her face into the hot rag and she breathed in the steam until the rag was cold. It helped a little with her congestion.

"I'm going to turn the shower on for you and get you some fresh sheets and comforter."

"Okay." Miranda whispered before coughing.

Ben's phone run and both him and Miranda looked down. Ben looked at Adrian's name and he cut the ringer off sliding his phone back into his pocket.

Miranda got up and moved to the bathroom after he cut the shower on. She undressed and got in and began to wash her body. The medicine must have been kicking in because she felt like her headache was easing up. She just felt so nausea and was a coughing mess.

Ben took the sheets off the bed and put them in washing machine before putting fresh ones on the bed.

He called Adrian and told her he was busy and got held up but they were still on and could watch a movie at his place.

He then moved to clean the kitchen up. He grabbed the immune booster shot drink and he walked back into Miranda's room as she was coming out of the bathroom. He looked at the crème night gown she had on and it was clear that she wasn't wearing a bra. Her nipples were hard from the temperature change of the hot shower to the cool room.

"You feeling a little bit better?" Ben asked trying to stop staring at her body. Her defeated pouty face and red nose made her look vulnerable yet adorable.

"I'm nausea but the medicine seem to help with everything else." She answered.

"Here take one of your immune boost shots." He suggested handing it out.

Miranda took it from him and opened the small bottle but as soon as she went to drink it. The turmeric and orange smell made everything she ate before start to come up.

Miranda covered her mouth and Ben quickly took the bottle from her and Miranda quickly went into the bathroom and threw up.

Ben felt bad immediately and he went in and rubbed her back. Miranda's eyes were running but she was pretty sure they were her real tears.

She flushed the toilet and grabbed a tissue to wipe her mouth before looking up at Ben.

Ben saw the tears in her eyes and he knew that she was at her low point with this sickness. "Come let's get you back in bed." Ben voiced as he lifted her into his arms. Miranda laid her head in his chest as he sat on the bed with with her. He rubbed her head trying to sooth her.

Miranda took comfort in his scent and his hand rubbing her temple. She missed him so much. "Can you try to drink some water and then we can get you something light to snack on." Ben asked.

Miranda nodded and sat up reaching for the water bottle. Ben's phone rung again and Miranda knew who it was the first time. She could tell from the look on his face.

"It's okay Ben. You go to her. Thank you for everything you have done." Miranda whispered after drinking her water.

Ben looked at her and back at the phone. "No I'm fine. You should have some one here with you while you are sick like this."

Miranda looked at him for a while making sure and then she laid back into his arms. Ben rubbed her back up and down and eventually Miranda was sleep.

Ben slid Miranda off of his chest carefully and he walked out into the hallway to call Adrian.

"Hey." Ben said into the phone.

"Hey, Ben where are are you. You are very late. I've been sitting here waiting in the car."

" Sorry I got held up Miranda's sick an-

"You've got to be kidding me."

"Babe. Who was going to keep Pru and Look out for her."

"She's not your responsibility anymore Ben."

"I know that but she needed help and I owe her that much to ad least help her get something to eat and clean up" Ben stressed.

"Look I'll let you go and talk to you later because I don't want to argue with you."

"Alright." Ben replied before hanging up. He blew out a breath and then grabbed his keys leaving to go to the store.

After picking up everything he thought she needed he came back to the house and unpacked the bags.

Ben walked inside her room and saw that she was still sleep. He hooked up the Vicks humidifier before he took the actual rub and rubbed it on her feet before placing socks on them.

He slid onto the bed carefully and naturally she scooted into his body laying on his chest. Ben turned her a little and applied the rub on her chest and neck before pulling the blanket up on them.

He rubbed her back soothingly.

"I love you." Miranda mumbled sleepily.

"I know. I love you too." Ben replied softly and he genuinely did.

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