Sixth form

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It felt like an ordinary day, getting ready for sixth form. Where the only thing I was actually looking forward for today was going to Mr. Riley's class to learn about Law. Yes the capital letter was intended. However what was not intended was the fact that, I walked into school to find out that the teachers all decided to change the seating plan for an 'after half-term mix about'. A load of bollox. They just want to put the talkative people next to us shy kids to help them shut up. And furthermore, I was put next to one of the most popular people in school. Why do that to an introvert? I thought I could trust you Mr.Riley.

I sat in my new seat just hoping the day would go quick enough so I didn't have to indulge in this situation for too long until a certain blonde-haired brown eyed boy pipes up conversation with me.
"Hi." he says with a smile which was practically contagious.
"Hi" I reply back with the same smile he had shown me.

And what I had failed to conserve was the fact that this conversation would lead to more of a friendship than a mutual alliance.

"Heyyyy Nickkkkk." I exclaim kicking my 'k' at the end.
"Yyyyyyyy/nnnnn" he proclaims back with the same amount of effort I had previously put in.
"Can you help me with this question? The homework is due literally next period." I ask
"Sure, but  you owe me big time,"
"Fine I'll get someone else to do it."
"No I'm doing it now,"
"You're so stubborn"
"You love me though"

I fell silent at that moment and found myself zoning out at the fact he had caught me in a trap. Whilst he was trying to explain the answer to my question to me all I could think about was how perfect he was. I know I sound stupid, but really, that's all I could think about. And so I snapped out of my trance and lifted my head from looking at the textbook to his face which was coincidentally also looking at me, and examined his features for a little too long. Looking at every small detail I hadn't before - his eyebrows, dimples, and every other unique feature that made his face his. Then to his eyes, and mine met with his - a unfamiliar heat rose to my cheeks and I could only describe the scene as something that came out of an old romantic movie.  

Nick Nelson and Kit Connor  (one shots) Where stories live. Discover now