10 • Pause, Play

211 12 14

Trigger Warning:
Rap3/Sexual Harassment, Blood & Gore
Please skip if uncomfortable, thank you!!


"What do you think of them?" Jungkook asks gently, nosing his beloved's cheek in affection as he back hugged the pure-blood.

"They're lovely, baby." Jimin gasps out, closing his eyes when he feels the lavender scent invade his nose.

Ah. Scenting.

The pure-blood laughs at his mate's innocent thoughts and nods his head,

"Yeah. Scenting. That feels so nice." he moaned out in bliss, eyes rolling at the back of his head with a satisfactory hum.

Another round?

"No." Jimin laughs out, twisting his body to face his mate and cupping his cheeks.

I want you to go on my birthday.

"Hm?" Jungkook tilts his head and stares at the vampire with wide eyes as his voice filtered through their bond, "You want me to go inside your border, love?"

Jimin nods shyly, his fangs poking out of his lips as he bit his bottom lip in thought.

I'm going to challenge my father if he disproves of us. Jimin says through their bond.

"And risk getting killed, darling?" the latter retorted, brows furrowing in stress. "I don't need you to do that for me."

"Baby-" Jimin gasped out, glancing down at his beloved's form. "Y-You're, what- Disappearing?!"

"It's his ability, lovely. Invisibility." Hyeojeong greets in place of explaining what was happening to the pure-blood, she steps into the room along with her mate.

"We came back to say we're leaving, didn't mean to eavesdrop but it seems Jimin is going to do something harmful?"

"Oh- Mrs. Jeon-" Jimin stuttered out,

"Mom is fine." the female interjects with a soft smile. "You and my precious son will get married soon."

"Well...." The silver-head mumbled shyly, ducking his head because Jungkook had somehow disappeared in front of him.

Don't scare me, Jungkook. Jimin warned through their bond, glancing around the room wearily.

I won't baby, I'm trying to get a hold of my ability. Just give me a moment. His mate reassured.

"On my birthday, I asked Jungkook to go inside our border. If my father disproves of us, I'll be challenging his position." Jimin explained out loud after he gets his answer from his and Jungkook's bond, flinching lightly when he sees Hyeojeong's eyes flash red in anger.

"That's very dangerous, Jimin-ah." Jiyong replied, voice tight. "Your father is experienced, very agile because of his old age. Are you sure?"

"For Jungkook." the silver-haired reassured with a nod of his head, "Anything for him, Mr. and Mrs. Jeon."

"Anything?" Jungkook asked in teasing, wrapping his arms on the latter in a backhug.

Anything. Jimin approved in their bond.

"If that's the case, let me challenge him instead." Jiyong says, smiling at Jimin gently as the silver-haired opens his mouth to protest alongside Hyeojeong.

"It should be time." Jungkook's father says in a manner that gives no room for argument as he faced his wife and cups her cheeks delicately.

"That was our throne, love." Jiyong pushed out further, "We've been running away for so long. It's time."

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