5 • Misunderstood

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"Jimin!" Taehyung exclaimed happily, pulling his bestfriend in a tight hug

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"Jimin!" Taehyung exclaimed happily, pulling his bestfriend in a tight hug.

"Ah!" Jimin hissed in pain, the brunet's eyes widen as he quickly pulls away.

"Sorry! Im sorry! I forgot about your punishment!"

Jimin chuckled, rubbing his hipbone and shrugging his shoulders. "Its okay, babe. It was nothing I couldnt handle, the stab on my hipbone just got me hard."


Jimin nods curtly. "Yeah. Always."

"Do you need Jin-hyung?"

"I'll be fine, Honey. How's Yoongi-hyung?"

"Were okay uh.. Speaking of! I have news..."

"Go on...?"

"We're expecting."

Jimin's head snaps up at his bestfriends statement. "Shit, Really?! I'm going to be an uncle?!"

Taehyung shushes his bestfriend quickly, complaining about other people hearing and how he's keeping it a secret from Yoongi until he can sense the baby in Taehyung's stomach.

"Oh god, I'm so happy of you!" Jimin whisper shouted, eyes brimming with tears of joy.

He opens his arms from his bed to engulfe his bestfriend in a tight hug only to wince a short second after when his wound burns.

"How about you and your soulmate?"

Jimin's smile drops, sighing as Taehyung sits down beside him on the edge of the bed.

His best friend picks up the damp towel from Jimin's lap and starts wiping away the blood from the silver-haired's cut lip that had been paused due to their conversation.

"Fine, I guess. I miss him already."

"Does he know?" Taehyung mumbles softly, his hand being pushed away from Jimin's face by the other's telekinesis.

The pure-blood nods before answering. "Yes, He found out. He wasn't surprised because his bestfriend was also a pure-blood from another clan. His name was Hoseok."

Jimin lets out a timid whimper, reaching to hold the hands of his bestfriend. He looks up at Taehyung with a pained expression.

"Tae, Their clan. They dont have an order... they were free. They weren't restricted like us. Th-They... Why aren't we like them? Why are we suffering like this?"

"Oh, Jimin-ah.." Taehyung says emphatically, brows furrowing in concern as Jimin's eyes turn glassy.

He had never seen Jimin this emotional before, the latter had always been one to bottle up his feelings. He had mastered the art of faking smiles and Taehyung knew that.

Even he, himself; as Jimin's best friend isn't able to read the pure-blood like an open book. It was hard because Jimin almost had a stone heart growing up to insults and beatings rather than care and love. Not to mention that when the latter's mother had died, his father had become more strict and harsh towards him and his brother Yoongi.

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