6 • Wonder

182 11 13

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asks with his furrowed as Jimin shifts in his seat, eyes wide as he stares up at the younger.

"Jungkook. Love, Have you ever--"

"Excuse me? We're sorry but the store is already closed, May I ask you to leave?" Jimin snaps his head at the waiter in alert.

He fervently nods his head with an apology at the tip of his tounge. Jungkook gather's his things and shoves it in his bag before he pulls Jimin up by his hand and intertwines their fingers.

"Sorry-" Jimin starts but Jungkook cuts him of with a tug at his hand.

"We were just leaving."


Jungkook walks out of the bathroom with his hair dripping wet, a cloud of steam following his way.


Jungkook scans his room and finds his soulmate comfortably sprawled on his bed with his pillow hugged tightly to his chest, one leg was thrown over it and his nose buried in it. His eyes were closed but it was clear he wasn't sleeping.

"Mm." Jimin hums in answer to the younger's question.

Jungkook smiles fondly at the sight, folding his arms on his bare chest since he was only wearing sweatpants and nothing else and leans against the door of the bathroom.

"I hate to get you out of that position you're in because you look so comfy but I do need you to take your make up off."

Jimin pops one eye open lazily. "Why?" he mumbled in protest, ending up squeezing his eyes shut tightly because of the light.

"Because, You can cover up those bruises but you cant hide them from me. So please?"

Jimin sighs and blinks his eyes open with a quiet sound of affirmation. He sits up and looks at Jungkook for a good few seconds until his face heats up as his eyes unintentionally slip down Jungkook's damp body.

Because damn, his soulmate is freaking hot.


Jimin jumps up in shock, face heating up even more as his eyes land upon Jungkook's lips that were in a charming smirk mind you.

"I'm going!" the vampire squeaked out, he sprints out of bed and tries to duck his way inside the bathroom only to be caught by Jungkook with an arm around his waist.

He gets slammed onto the wall rather roughly with Jungkook's elbows propped at his shoulder's and pushing against the wall behind him roughly. Jimin was actually shocked because of the force, either Jungkook was really strong to out do a vampires strenght or Jimin was just really weak when it comes to his other half.

"Jungkook!" Jimin squealed out but that doesn't mean he didn't like the attention.

He loved it, craved it even.

How can he not? Especially when Jungkook's body engulfed his own and how the younger is eyeing his lips like he want to devour them.

"Why are you so flustered?" Jungkook rasped out as if he was telling a secret.

Jimin's hands slowly reaches up to slide on Jungkook's abs and chest to his shoulders to his neck.

"I'm not now." Jimin challenged back, eyes falling shut as Jungkook's presses a fervent kiss on his lips.

Their kiss was quick to become heated until it was interrupted by footsteps. Jimin seperates from the kiss with furrowed brows gaze dead set at the condominiums door as Jungkook follows his lips like a lost puppy.

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