8• Answers

176 11 8

Jungkook arrives first, fidgety and paler than he already was.

His lips were chapped and he winces at every small sound that breaks through the coffee shop, he still has to get used to the sensory override which came from his hearing, smelling and all his other enhancements.

He's also pretty sure he'd already broke into a cold sweat but he didn't want to take his hood off of his head since his hair was matted down on his forehead and he looked like an over all mess.

"Jungkook?" A male voice asked curiously, Jungkook jumps halfway off of his chair and looks up.

A man, Not to older than him with brown hair staring at him in wonder.

"H-Hi!" Jungkook stuttered, blinking fast to get rid of the blur in his eyes.

"Jiyong, Is it really him--" the owner of the same voice in Jungkook's head replied, pushing the man away and staring at Jungkook for a split second before breaking down into tears.

She gathers Jungkook into her arms and starts pressing kisses on the other boy's forehead. "It is you. My handsome son. I'm so happy to see you again."

Jungkook closes his eyes at the nostalgia, a memory flashing in his head when he was still young with the same arms cradling his body.

His mom and he was sure it was her was still crying into his hair, and it only seemed to get louder when Jungkook slowly wraps his arms around her torso too.

"Sorry, Gguk. She really missed you." His father replied, finding a seat infront of Jungkook.

His mom had finally settled down with soft sniffles replacing her sobs and Jungkook finally gets to have a good look at her.

Her features clearly had similarities to his own and so did his father. His mom had that natural raven hair and lips similar to his, and his dad had similar eyes to him.

Jungkook doesn't feel the tear that falls on his cheek until his mother wipes it away with a gaze of pure hurt.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart. I'm so sorry that you had to grow up without us."

"I thought you abandoned me." Jungkook whispered voice cracking at the end.

His father shakes his head firmly, gazing fondly at Jungkook. "We could never. You were the best gift me and your mother could have ever gotten."

"We'll explain everything but first, choose something to eat and drink. Does my baby drink coffee?" Jungkook chuckles when his mother pushes his cheeks together so his lips could form into a pout.

"Mom, I'm 18." the raven haired mumbled.

"You're still my baby."

"Yeah well, I have my own baby now." Jungkook joked, his father's eyes widening at the new found information.

"You found your beloved?!"

Jungkook smiles, bunny teeth poking out along with his newly grown fangs. "He found me. He actually saved me from being homeless."

His mom squeals and his father grins.

"More on that later, I'll go order."


Jungkook's mouth was full of cinnamon danish and his mom kept feeding him more.

He couldn't ever say no because he felt so giddy being spoiled. His parents meant alot to him and for him to grow up without them hurt alot, but seeing them now and feeling how much they did love and miss him made everything worth it.

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