4 • Safe Haven

175 12 19

Chapter IV

"Hyung?! Hyung! Are you okay?"

Jimin shuts his eyes tightly and tries to take a deep breath in but he ends up failing. He can't see; He shouldnt look.

"Jimin-hyung!" Jungkook screamed in worry, shaking Jimin by the shoulder.

"D-Dont touch." He bites back with a hiss, his fangs glistening.

Jungkook pulls back in shock, eyes widening as Jimin continues to moan in agony.

"H-hyung, Oh my God–”

"G-Get out, Jungkook!" Jimin spat unkindly, the latter only shakes his head stubbornly.

"N-No! No! Jesus, I wont go anywhere!"

Jimin doesnt open his eyes but he does breathe in, and oh.

Oh, Jungkook's smells so good.

"Fuck.” Jimin curses, he feels his body moves at its own accord as he pushes himself up and quite literally pins Jungkook down on the floor.

His wrists pushed tightly against the floor as Jimin noses at Jungkook's neck hungrily.


"Im sorry, Ggukie-yah." Jimin purred out, taking another sniff just cause he can.

Jungkook whimpers under him, his body trembling at the attention. The odd thing he notices first is that he can't smell Jungkook's fear. He would've pointed it out if he wasnt salivating in fucking hunger.

"Just one sip, m'kay?" Jimin whispers against Jungkook's neck, pressing a wet kiss on the skin with his eyes still bloodshot, if he feels Jungkook shudder he doesn't mention it.

Jimin grazes his fangs on the skin, eyes flashing amber but he doesn't get to sink his teeth in because he gets roughly pulled away from Jungkook, a blood packet being shoved into his mouth.

Jimin's eyes roll back at the taste of the blood, devouring it as fast as he could with his hand gripping the bag tightly as he gulps down the blood greedily.

"More?" someone asks softly, Jimin doesn't even decipher who the voice belonged too because he was too busy nodding his head fervently.

He sucks the bag dry until there was not a drop left and another bag is softly nudged against his lips, Jimin managed to choke out a quiet 'thank you' despite his bloodlust haze.

It's only after the second bag that Jimin remembers to breathe. His eyes returning into their original hazlenut color as he lowered the hand holding the emptied blood pack, a stray glob of blood dripping from the side of his chin.

The first thing he registers is someone was rubbing his back in soft circles, he also finds Hoseok standing in front of him with his face scrunched in concern and his arms folded.

Wait, If hoseok was in front of him then who was...?


Jimin jumps away from Jungkook like he'd been electrecuted.

"Holy shit." he choked out, looking up at Hoseok in panic but he was only given a soft smile back from the pure-blood.

Jimin looks back at Jungkook who was frowning in concern, another blood pack being held by his hand that he was offering to Jimin.


"Hyung, do you need more blood? You could've just told me you needed some. I had a few extra packs." Jungkook reprimanded with a sigh, placing the blood bag back on the small box filled with to the brim with ice.

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