9 • Closer

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Jimin wakes up naked, silk sheets draped across his lithe frame as he tries to get his eyes to open as quickly as he could.

Vampires usually don't need sleep, but the latter liked the luxury anyway.

He feels the soft breathing against his neck more than he hears it, it makes his skin tingle but it did not bother him at all. If not his body voluntarily sinks further into the chest behind him.

It may have been the most sleep he's gotten in years and the most peaceful one yet. Clear of nightmares and full of unimaginable dreams, It felt absolutely euphoric.

Although he does feel gross from all the love making last night, he scrunches his nose when he feels the sticky residue left on his tighs and back which is why he decides to pull himself off of the bed. Jungkook lets out a soft grunt of disapproval when Jimin's skin slide upwards and away from his hold.

"Sleep more." Jimin mumbled, threading his fingers on his beloved's hair and pecking his lips.

Jungkook hums and the hands on Jimin's waist fall limply on the bed. The silver-haired peals the blanket off of his body and winces when he feels something drip.

He felt grimy, sticky, and gross. He leans down to pick a discarded shirt on the floor and throws it on before trudging his way to the bathroom. He loves making bath's for himself but he's not doing that stark naked.

The door of the bathroom slides open gracefully, Jimin's eyes surveying the bath stuff left on the cabinets and grins when he finds a bathbomb.

He pulls open the curtains and winds the knobs of the hot and cold faucet to fill the bath tub with water. He would light a scented candle but it would make his nose hurt because of the potent smell so instead he picks up a single rose from the bouquet near the sink and peals a few petals to sprinkle into the tub.

The bath bomb follows shortly after, and when Jimin turns the water off and pulls himself up to tug at Jungkook's shirt that hung loosely on his petite body a pair of hands do the job for him.

The shirt slides off of him and it's his fated that throws it away. Then he's being cornered and thrown into the tub with a giggly Jungkook beside him.

"You can't get out the bed and expect me to sleep again."

Jimin laughs, leaning his forehead on Jungkook's. "You could have."

"I couldn't." Jungkook countered, wrapping his now wet arms on Jimin's waist. The waters sound soothing them and the warmth of it doing wonders to their sore limbs.

"You could have." Jimin repeats, tracing Jungkook's bottom lip with his thumb.

Jungkook hums a sound of disapproval that Jimin kisses away.

"You hungry yet?"

"Nah, for you maybe." Jungkook replied, sticking his nose back on Jimin's mark. The other baring his skin with no hint of hesitation even when Jungkook licks at his skin.

"We're supposed to be taking--a-ah--bath." Jimin whimpered, his fated chuckling under him.

"We are, love."

"No, we're not. We're on the verge of getting all gross again. Stop–Jungkook!" Jungkook laughs and kisses the hickey he'd just freshly made under Jimin's collarbone.

"Alright, I'll stop."

"We're you trying to eat me alive? I look like I got murdered.”  Jimin whined out with a pout, cupping some water out and pouring it on the side of his neck.

Jungkook's eyes follows the water as it cascades down Jimin's gleaming shoulder.

"You look hot."

"Yeah. To you." Jimin teased with a huff, smacking Jungkook's peck and reaching over to grab the loofa.

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