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Jeon Jungkook had no parents

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Jeon Jungkook had no parents.

All he knew though was that they died in a car crash when he was six. At least that's what his relatives always told him, he was raised by his grandparents but both of them had passed away after he finished high school.

So as of the moment, he had no other guardian whatsoever. He's a broke college student that works part-time at night in a bar singing his ass off and spends his weekend working in a coffee shop all while balancing his school schedule.

Jungkook used to live in his friends apartment that was located in a decent distance from campus. Truth be told, he lived a pretty plain life with nothing out of the ordinary.

The only thing he did found weird was his maintenance of drinking cherry tasting wine for his “health” condition, he's told that he was anemic and needed iron in his system to function which is why his grandparents stacked up boxes and boxes of this drink and had advised Jungkook strictly to drink one of it everyday until the day he turns 18.

It didn't really taste weird for Jungkook, and he was a good kid so he never questioned it since the drink looked harmless and just tasted like regular cherry soda. He's been drinking that shit for almost 11 years now and it's almost grown as a reflex to him at this point, he just find it a bit mind boggling due to the fact that he still hasn't found an exact replica of that drink from any store.

Trust me, he visited LOTS of stores.

Jungkook is currently taking up a major course in Photography just because that's what he excels in the most, he doesn't really have much money to pay for university so he's happy to be lucky enough with his scholarship in the state. He's also genuinely interested in videography so that's a plus.

Like any college student though, he's struggling to pay rent and sustain his finances all the while juggling with his studies.

His room mate had currently left their shared apartment to move somewhere near the suburbs so Jungkook was left to pay twice the amount he used to when he lived with the latter.

Why is this important you ask? Well, frankly because it's already been two months since he had last paid rent and since he's short on money and time and his shifts don't match his schedule at school he couldn't tend to it.

It was a priority too but Jungkook just didn't have enough and couldn't split his body in half, he's at least grateful the land lord hasn't kicked him out at this point. Which he had just did but again, not that Jungkook really had a say in it.

The landlord simply told him he's going to be given atleast a day to file out his stuff from the apartment.

So yeah, Jungkook was homeless, stupid, and broke.

Mostly stupid though because he did not want to ask for help from anyone because of his stubborn ego. Claiming to himself that his friends will be burdened and he can deal with his shit alone.

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