3 • Forgotten

182 14 30

Jungkook wakes up first.

He finds his face buried in someones neck, the fresh smell of berries filling his nose as he breaths in. He blinks his eyes open blearily and yawns. The moment Jungkook gains his consciousness back he bolts up into sitting position.

The night at the bar.


The condomium.

Jungkook doesnt notice Jimin waking up because he's too busy trying to calm himself down. Trying and failing to breathe properly so he ended up hyperventilating on spot.

He asked Jimin to sleep beside him.

Holy shit.

He asked Jimin to sleep with HIM. Jeon Jungkook you absolute fool!

Jimin frowns, sitting up so he can ask the latter what was wrong. "Jungkookie? What–"

Jungkook scrambles out of the bed before the latter could finish asking, his foot gets hooked on the sheets in his haste. Jimin's eyes widened as he reached his hands out hurriedly to catch Jungkook so he wouldn't fall.

Jungkook didn't, they both did.

The impact made Jungkook roll over so instead of him being on top, Jimin was.

In panic, Jungkook hooks an arm around the other's waist so he wouldn't roll any further. The raven haired's back hurt like hell but Jimin was on top of him.

Jimin was on top.

He was on top and their lips were no more than a few centimeters apart, damn it.

"–wrong?" Jimin whispered to finish, eyes wide and glossy.

Ever so slowly Jungkook watches as crimson floods Jimin's cheeks, the other seemed too lost in Jungkook's eyes to notice the younger boys pupils drift down towards his lips and back up.

Jungkook sucked in a breath as he watches silver haired's eyes slowly lower themselves down onto his lips and back up to his eyes.

As if he was asking permission silently. Jungkook hoped his eyes spoke for him; suprisingly it did.

Jimin's eyes carefully flutter shut, his grip on Jungkook's shoulder blades tightening causing his knuckles to turn white white as he leans like he wasin slow motion. Jungkook closes his eyes too and waits for the other's lips to press on him.

Only he doesn't feel it.

Jungkook hears his phone ring in the distance and bites back a groan; half because of his aching back and half because the body on top of him slips away before he could even blink.

The younger missed the warmth from Jimin a little bit too much.

"S-Sorry!" Jimin squeaked out shyly, his head down and body riggid. Jungkook pushes himself up and dusts the dirt off his butt lip stuck in between his teeth.

"I-I'ts okay." He blurted out.

Jungkook is quite positive that his ears are blood red too, he can still hear his heart beating wildly in his chest and he tries to slow it down and trying to will the feeling of dissappointment away.

"Y-You should probably take that." Jimin muttered, tilting his head to the bed where his phone lays.

Jungkook nods in affirmation and picks the device up.

"I-I'll just take a shower--I think." Jimin anounced, although his legs felt like jelly.

He tries to walk straight but he trips over Jungkook's shoes, his eyes widen in shock as he quickly closes his eyes to await the impact but before he could fall to the floor a warm body collides with his own. He feels familiar arms wrapping around his waist and by reflex Jimin hooks his own on Jungkooks neck.

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