Something Happy

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The tour of the base began with a few more amusing comments before I actually learned anything. We were standing in the main room, which doubled as the social corner and the mess hall.

The group turned down a side hallway with fewer, more erratically placed doors. Ben was prone to gesturing to open doors at random and giving short, abrupt descriptions.

"There's the training room. You'll see that later. And here's the weapons combat area, which you'll come to in a few weeks, if everything goes on schedule."

We continued to pass by rooms, not entering any. He didn't offer much commentary, and I didn't ask.

The layout of the place wasn't very open. Everything was connected by an extensive web of halls and corridors. It would take some getting used to.

It was very cold. Not as in the temperature, though I could have used an extra jacket. Everything was clean and grey or white. There was no welcoming atmosphere, or variations of color or feeling.

About halfway through the tour, when I had given up on paying any attention, Wes elbowed me. I don't think he intended on it to be painful, but nevertheless, I clutched my shoulder and hissed in distress.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"Oh god, I'm sorry! I was just trying to get your attention," he apologized.

"That you have," I remarked.

"I was just wondering if you wanted me to redirect the sightsee to the rec center? I get the feeling you lost hope in ever finding your way around ten minutes ago."

"That would be so wonderful," I said, thanking him for the suggestion.

"Hey, Ben, can we head to the rec room? We're all getting a bit restless back here," he said.

"Sure, let's go," Ben replied.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief that we didn't have to listen to his rambling on anymore. However, I quickly tired of walking in silence and tried to strike up conversation.

"So, what's everyone's last name?" I asked.

"Doing a bit of reconnaissance?" Leo laughed.

"What? No. I'm just trying to be friendly, I guess," I replied.

"Yeah, I get it. It can be hard to adjust."

"Townes," Jamie said. "Mine is Townes."

"You already know my last name," said Ben.

"And I'm Wesley Andrews," Wes answered.

"What about you?" I questioned Leo.

"Nothing special, just Campbell."

"I'm Wren Osgood," I said, responding to my own question.

By this time, we had arrived at the recreational center, and the awkward, pausing conversation came to a halt as I raced across the room. Nolan was standing in the corner by another guy our age. They seemed to be chatting away until I came to interrupt them.

"Nolan, hey. I just wanted to say sorry for yesterday. You have to understand, I was under so much stress, and I didn't know what was going on, and-"

"It's fine, Wren. I get it," he said. "You're new, and you're still transitioning."

"Thank you for understanding. I was worried you'd be mad," I said.

"We barely know each other. I can't really get mad at you yet," he replied.

This caused me to erupt into giggles. When I say erupt, I mean it. I could not stope giggling. It took me at least thirty seconds to stop, and even then I was panting. So much for nonchalant.

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