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Author's Note:

Hey guys! It's me again. I had a huge lack of inspiration with this chapter, but I'm pretty positive it turned out alright. So there's that.

Three weeks is too long, and I'm trying my best here, I swear. Homecoming is this week, so I may be an extra week late, but I won't do three again if it means failing biology.

See that gorgeous cover art up there (or over there or wherever you have it)? That was made by the terrific TheWorldIsYourCanvas for my story. It's beautiful. Seriously. You should check out their books, which is amazing and sure as hell has better covers than mine. A big thank you to them. I've received a bit of other fanart (WOW SERIOUSLY THANKS), and I'm going to load them on older chapters, as they're kind of chapter-specific. One is on Dead Parents and Waffles and the other is on Family Photos in Overalls. There's also one coming up for the next chapter.

Oh, by the way, I got my friend for a photo shoot, so you may have a new cover on your hands sooner or later. Sorry to switch it up, but the current one is crap. And the picture is gorgeous because she's gorgeous.

Lastly, I reread some of my older chapters. Tip to writers- don't. Don't do it. It'll make you cry at night and text people angrily. But anyways, once I finish this book (I'm planning a sequel, but I don't know when I'll end RH yet), I'm going to take a slight break from new chapters and seriously edit the old ones. I might just rewrite huge chunks that I hate, as there are some parts that I still like. That'll be happening, but not soon, so no worries.

On a more personal note: my few weeks have been really weird but quite great. There was a bad bit at the beginning, but overall, very quite great. And busy. That's why I'm late. I'm sorry. Thanks for sticking with me and my terrible scheduling skills!

I was still at the compound. Everyone else was out there fighting, being useful, doing something, and I was stuck sitting at a desk with four middle-aged men and Chris. It's not like I wanted to wage war on innocents, but almost anything would be better than this.

Additionally, the fact that I was the youngest didn't help. Even if I was the smartest. That sounds stuck up. Oh well. They were all idiots, but for seniority reasons and that sort of shit, they were in charge. And I got talked down to like I was four.

Chris was basically sitting there to make sure we didn't all die or kill each other. That was his explanation, at least. I suspected he didn't want to get himself killed on the front lines, because, you know, he's our fearless leader and stuff.

After fifteen minutes of doing nothing- no one was actually there yet- I excused myself to walk around. It was strange to see the hallways so empty. If been getting used to it, but at the moment, it was utter silence. You could hear a pin drop from a mile away.

The only people who had bothered to say goodbye were Wren and Jamie. Nolan had been pulled aside, Ben was nowhere to be found as usual, and the two lovebirds or whatever were too busy making doe eyes at each other. They thought they were being inconspicuous. Key word: thought.

Anyways, I was left behind with barely a wave, and I was bored.

I turned down left down a random hallway and passed the kitchen. I popped in to grab some left over food. I found a nearly empty bag of pretzels and scooped up the last handful. That's when I saw the door.

I didn't typically come in the kitchen, so I thought it was a back pantry. I decided to scavenge. With my luck, there wasn't any more food back there, only another hallway. I had time to kill, so why the hell not go explore?

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