Learning is Concerning

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! It's me, the author.

The views on these recent chapters have dropped a ton. I'm talking from 120 to 50. I really hope that you guys actually enjoy my book, and if you guys have criticism, comments, questions, or anything, feel free to comment or message me privately. I will hold nothing against you at all; I'm just always looking for ways to improve my writing.

I've decided it's time to move my plot along. I have a ton planned. These next few are leading up to the big stuff, but we'll get there. I already have multiple twists and turns planned (some of them give me a sickening feeling in my gut but let's just go for it). I hope you don't hate me when it gets time.

Fluff is also coming up soon. Not this chapter or the next- actually, maybe the next. I'm not sure yet, but I'll fit some in. Fluff is not my forte as my life lacks in that aspect, but I try.

Thanks again for reading, and never be scared to come and talk to me. Please read, comment, vote, and enjoy!

Days went by and my hair was noticed. A handful of guys scowled at it. I was able to convince myself (with a lot of hard work) that it was because I looked freaking amazing and they were all jealous. In reality, the reasons were different though.

One older man actually lectured me on uniformity and choices. I was standing right next to Jamie. Exactly zero comments were aimed at him. The downsides of being the only female amongst many sexist men.

"I hate guys," I moaned, dramatically falling backwards on top of the couch in the rec room with a flourish.

"What? I'm great!" Jamie protested.

We had the room to ourselves. It seemed to be getting more and more gradually empty as the days went by. For the past three days, it's only been us teenagers in here. Since that was the case, I could be as loud and annoying as I pleased and not get any complaints.

"Guys in general. Not just you," I replied.

"What a relief," he said sarcastically.

"I know. It'd be a shame if I hated you. You're the one with the hair dye."

"Come on, you know you love me," he teased.

"Shut up," I ordered.

"Your favorite two words. Shut and-"

"No, seriously, shut up."

A couple men were passing by in the hallway and talking in hushed tones. Whenever someone spoke in hushed tones around here, you knew something was up. I tried to eavesdrop on their conversation, which was difficult due to Jamie's constant questions.

"...the girl has no skill-"

"What are you trying to do?"

I shushed him again.

"...but she has the brain. Plus, her sister and parents-"

"Wren, what the hell?"

I ignored him.

"They aren't important, though. It's the other one who-"

"Tell me what is going on," he demanded.

I resorted to sticking my hand over his mouth.

"With both of them, we'll win it. The advance next week will-"

"Hey!" I exclaimed, snatching my hand back. "Licking is unwarranted."

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