Red Hair, Don't Care

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Author's Note:

Hello again dear friends! I am late. Hopefully not by too long. I'm having trouble staying on schedule. Summer is busier than I anticipated. Plus I'm binge watching the spin-off show of the other show I just finished. Oops.

Not much new has happened in the past week, certainly nothing interesting enough to put in an author's note. WAIT- actually I went to a Fall Out Boy concert and it was the COOLEST THING EVER. Excuse my fangirling, for I cannot contain my excitement.

This chapter is pretty fluffy. Mostly. A lot of friendship crap. Eh. All of the jokes featured in this chapter were stolen from the internet, so credit where it's due. I couldn't find any of the actual authors' names, so it's just basically a disclaimer that I do not own these jokes.

I send good luck and good vibes to everyone who may need them. Have a great week, and I promise that I'll try to get back on schedule soon.

Enjoy, my friends!

I sprinted towards the source of the screaming. I know, I know. I probably should have been running away. My sense of fear was really screwed up. My adrenaline rush numbed most of the pain in my ankle.

The noise, which had by now ceased, led me to the rec room. I barged through the doors, and sighed in frustration as they clanged shut behind me.

"Really?" I groaned.

Jamie and Leo were cowering on top of the ping pong table. On the floor below them was a daddy-long-leg spider. Jaime pointed at it and sputtered out nonsense.

"Cowards," I muttered. "Freaking cowards."

I stomped over to the table. After staring pointedly and disappointedly at both boys, I actually bent down a and picked up the spider. I set it in front of them, which elicited even more shrieking.

"You've got to be kidding me," Patrick sighed as he casually walked into the room carrying my crutches.

Patrick beelined over to the other side of the room after dropping my crutches at my feet. I picked them up, and only then did I notice Wes, who was cracking up.

The spider had crawled up in between the two boys, and they were now scrambling to get off of the table. Jamie slipped and slammed into the ground with quite a loud thud. Leo ducked under the table and crawled over to check on him.

I slipped one of my flats off and smashed the bug. Patrick and Wes feigned applause. Jamie attempted to stand, but he smashed his head into the table and let out a pained moan before sitting back down. Leo got up and tossed him a pillow.

I stuck the shoe back on my foot and made my way over to a plastic chair like the ones you'd see in school. I took a seat. Someone tossed something at me, and I instinctively put my hands up to shield my face. The item bounced off my arms and hit the floor.

The boys snickered at my failure, and I reached down to grab the object. A tambourine. I looked around to see that Patrick had an upside-down bucket and sticks, Jamie had a guitar, Wes had an electric piano/keyboard thing, and Leo had a hairbrush.

"What the hell is happening?" I asked, confused.

Leo shushed me and pointed to Patrick, who drummed out a beat. Jamie and Wes picked up an unfamiliar tune. Leo gripped his hairbrush and started singing at the top of his lungs.

After a while, I realized they were just making it up as they went along. I joined in on the tambourine, hitting it to the beat. Towards the end, the song had evolved from what was essentially a name game all the way to dog breeds.

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