Honouring the "Heroes"

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Author's Note:

Alright guys, first off, I'd like to thank you all for sticking with me. I suck at updating on schedule, and when I do, they are crappy as anything. You who have read through this whole thing are really cool people.

I write this author's note to let you know that this will be my last update for a while. I simply don't have time or inspiration, and every time I look back at the beginning, I want to erase it all. The book won't be forgotten, I promise.

But hope is not lost! I will come back after a while, and I shall update with revised, edited, and triple-checked chapters. I just need time to write and get everything the way I want it. I will not abandon our poor Wren.

I'm not disappearing from wattpad, trust me. I still may do entries into random writing contests to help get me inspired, and I will be reading and catching up on some stories I've neglected (you know which ones).

The end of this chapter changes points of view from Wren to a third person thing, just a warning. It's to create some dramatic irony (that's a term look it up I feel smart), and to give you something to ponder about while I take my break.

Thank you all for staying with me on this insane writing journey. Wattpad and this book has helped me a ton to expand my abilities and develop my style. I can't thank you enough, really, and I can't wait for the next [figurative] chapter to start!

I was alone in a hospital room. A nurse had put me here. They cleaned up Leo's body then brought me inside. My crutches were trashed- they had been dented really badly. Jane was somewhere else, Jess too. I didn't really know.

I sat up with some effort and waved at a doctor outside the door. The doctors were wearing coats, and the nurses were just in scrubs, so I could figure out the difference. She came in.

"Where is Jess? And Jane?" I asked, surprised at how seemingly calm I was.

"Who would they be, sweetie?" she responded.

"Jess is my age and blonde; Jane is younger and brunette. They came in with me."

"Oh, yes. We have Jess on fluids in the room next door. She's sleeping. I don't know about Jane, though," she said.


She shook her head and walked out. I took the opportunity to stand up. Some tubes were attached to me. I thought it best to keep them in, so I swung them over the bed and found the pole thing on the other end. I used it to keep me steady as I limped through the hallway to the room next door, but Jess wasn't there. I was going to try the other side when a nurse caught me.

"Honey, you aren't supposed to be up," he observed, taking my arm and leading me back to my room.

"I've gotta see Jess and Jane."

"You can later. For now, you need to rest."

He helped me back in the bed and left. I watched him go, silently hoping that someone else would come through the door and tell me where they were.

I stared at the television for a while. There was a soap opera on, but it was in another language, and I couldn't see the subtitles. I figured that the basic plot had something to do with romance, but I didn't know who was in relationships with who.

My attempts to watch the show were interrupted by a bed rolling into my room.

"Thank god," I breathed.

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