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Author's Note:

Hello! I have no clue whether I'm on schedule or not, so sorry. This chapter was both fun and terrible to write. I had to attempt fluff, but I'm not sure how it turned out. I live a very un-fluffy life. The next chapter will be nice because it involves action and drama, things I know I can write.

Thank you to the amazing people on this website who I love. Thank you for reading, thank you for voting, and thank you for commenting. You are all wonderful.

So as not to scare those of you who did not read the chapter title or any previous author's notes, this chapter is from Wesley's (or as he likes to be called, Wes) point of view.

I hope you all enjoy the chapter. Make sure to leave me any comments, concerns, or criticism (the three c's). Happy reading!

Wren left the breakfast table again, this time with Leo. I barely noticed. Patrick and I were in a new deep debate about the pros and cons of chocolate versus vanilla. And by deep debate, of course I mean laughing and shoving.

Patrick was my first friend. He was the reason I joined the movement. He was my best friend and my only friend. I just had to come with him.

Chocolate ended up winning the argument, leaving me very satisfied as I rubbed the victory in his face. It was then that we noticed the two had gone missing. I recalled something about labs (computer-type labs, not sciencey) later, but I didn't mention it.

We decided to leave the table about five minutes later and headed to check out the incident from earlier, but everything was perfectly normal. The halls were clean, and the training room was fine. Nothing was out of place or missing. But I didn't expect anything in the first place- I mean, these people clean everything in a matter of milliseconds.

We headed to Patrick's room because there was nothing else to do for the day. Everyone hated us for being loud and obnoxious in the hallways, but we didn't mind whatsoever. The random quietness of the halls was one thing I couldn't stand, and Patrick knew it, so we always talked.

Once at his room, he plopped himself down on his bed. I laid down across the bed with my feet touching the floor, but of course, I underestimated my height.

"Crap," I muttered, rubbing my head where I hit it on the wall.

I sat back up to Patrick's incessant laughter.

"Okay. I know you hate me," he got out in between heaving breaths.

"Not at all," I said, staring him down.

"So... Ben?" Patrick inquired.

"I'm not supposed to know, but my bunker was right next to his, and he talks loud," I replied.

"Spill the beans," he said.

"Fine," I complied. "He kissed her."

"Who is her?"

"The only girl here. Are you dense?" I asked. "Anyways, she just walked away."

"Juicy gossip," he commented.

"You think you're fooling everyone with your professional image or whatever, but you're just a teenage girl on the inside," I stated.

"But I'm a pretty teenage girl, aren't I?" he questioned.

"Sure you are."


I grinned, distracting him while I flicked him in the forehead. He laughed and tried to flick me back as expected, but I grabbed his wrist.

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