Chapter 2

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Aizawa walked down the street, he looked in an alleyway. Something was him telling to.

Once he arrived, 7 kids were there. All probably, the age of 5.

The kids had varying wounds from frostbite to burns to cuts. 

His teammate came along and called emergency services. The boy with dark hair and a scarf had felt his stomach-churning. Whoever did this to these children needed to pay. 


Emergency services came and carefully brought the half-alive kids to separate ambulances. 


A little girl opened her eyes in an ambulance, not remembering what exactly happened to her. She was just sleeping in the cold snow. Now, she had no idea what was going on.


"Any updates?" Eraser head asked the medical team.

7 children were recently found in an alleyway, they had helped them

"Yes, there is good news, the kids are fine and will be able to live." The Doctor smiled, and Aizawa felt this wave of relief wash over him.

He let out an exhale of air. He saved the kids, thank god.

"If we hadn't been called there sooner, surely all of them would've bled out. So thank you, Eraser head, you saved their lives." The doctor bowed, and they left the area. Though the doctor thank him, the boy couldn't help but think about the children, the innocent children that looked like nothing older than 5.


Aizawa had arrived at the room they were holding the young ones in. It's been around 2 days since the incident with the kids. They've run some DNA tests on the blood of the children so they could find any relatives. They've gained no results. It was as if they never existed in the world. 

Aizawa walked in to see a little girl off the bed, trying to wake up another kid.

"Benny!!" one of the kids cried, Aizawa walked over. The little girl was to his knee, she was so small.

"Shh." he hushed the girl, the little girl turned around, and her eyes were puffy from crying.

"Is Bennett dead?" the little girl questioned, her baby eyes staring at him. The man could feel his entire soul shattering.

"No, your friend is sleeping. How about you let him rest more?" Aizawa tried to put on his best comforting voice. The little girl looked at him and then at Bennett.

"Okay..." The little girl sat down on the ground.

"I'll wait for him to wake up!" the little girl announced. There was a determined shine in her eyes. 

"Don't sit on the ground, you can catch a cold."

"No, I won't. I can't catch colds cause I'm dead." The little girl spoke bluntly. Aizawa's eyes widened. Such a morbid sentence from a kind-looking child. The boy just kneeled.

"Come on, I'll put you back to bed." the boy put his arms out, and the little girl thought about it and then walked towards him. the child was light, so light it was concerning.

Aizawa walked to the place she was meant to rest.

He placed the girl down. Now, time for questioning.

"Little girl, do you know your name?" Aizawa asked. The girl nodded.

"What is it?"

"My name is Hu tao!"

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