Chapter 9

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The kids arrived though to their surprise someone told them to follow them. Since they had a very professional look to them

Once they arrived, it was a room with pro heroes Mr.Aizawa would talk about. Also Nezu.

"NEZU!" Bennett and Hu's tao cheered, practically teleporting next to the principal. The other teacher's eyes widened. Though they were expecting some guests, this wasn't what they expected.

"Kids. Clam down." Aizawa spoke. It was already too late. Nezu was being carried on the back of a white-haired boy with goggles.

The teachers could swear there were flowers around the three. Some of the teachers knew them. Since they were insane as children running around U.A. high with no care for the reputation of U.A.

Nezu would allow them to play in his office cause they were so dang cute.

"Are these recommendations for the hero course?" Vlad king questioned, his eyebrows raised.

"No, sadly. They're support course kids." the principal questioned.


"HERE COMES THE ROBOTTT!!" a loud yell came from the screen. Everyone turned their attention toward the video feed. Buildings started to topple.

It was exciting. In a flash, a person leaped from the ground and smashed the robot.

A bell rang. The test was over.

"Did we come late?" Chongyun itched his cheek. 

"Well, not for your test but the hero course entry, yes," Aizawa answered.

 "Wait... Where is Chikako?" the tired man questioned. the kids shrugged. the teacher looked up at the screen, there she was, Chikako. Poking a kid. 





'What was that?' Hu tao looked around, everyone was distracted. left the room without anyone noticing. A meteor appeared in the sky it was the same looking one when a traveler was fighting in the sky. 




Hu tao sent a butterfly towards it, around 5 of them. Once she arrived at the crash site, it was already cooled down, leaving a crater. 

The girl's eyes widened. 

"VENTI!" the girl slid down the walls of the pit in the ground, her friend was bloody. She didn't know it but her eyes were tearing up. He had wounds that were familiar with a weapon the celestial warriors used. 

She used four of her butterflies to teleport them to someone she knows is a great healer. She appeared in front of Jean. who was still doing work even in this life. 

"Hu tao? what is it---"

"WHAT HAPPENED!?" Jean noticed the very bloody Venti. Who has been looking over the portal in which Celestia left long ago?

"HELP HIM! CALL BARBARA!" Hu tao screamed. 





"Is Chikako not here?" Izuku questioned, he was expecting to see her, then again, he shouldn't expect that she'd stick around someone like him. 

"No, she just disappeared while we were watching you," Kazuha spoke.

"oh..." Izuku scratched his cheek.

"You're going to stop training at the beach soon aren't you? Since you're going to U.A and all." Razor questioned.

"Oh, um... entering U.A. isn't a guarantee, seeing that I didn't get any robot points... Wait, you guys were watching me?" Izuku just rendered what Kazuha just said a moment ago. 

"Yeah. We were escorted there." Xiao shrugged. 


"Mhmm. We were supposed to take the test then a few people just told us to go there. Confusing at first but fun. They had some really good tea." Kazuha added. 

"That's amazing!" the kid's eyes sparkled. 


=ring= =ring=

"Oh, it's Chikako. " Bennett spoke. He promptly answered it, maybe she went to get some food. 


"Hey hey. Calm down. What's going on?" Bennett questioned, putting her on speaker. 

"Yeah. Calm. Calm............. Who is with you?" 

"Izuku, and every child in the house."

"Okay, that's good. None of you tell the pros. Alright?" The girl questioned, sounding serious for once. 

"What's going on?" Izuku questioned, confused. Chikako, his best friend, never had such a tone. She always had this almost ambiguous cheerful tone but this one was concretely serious. 

"It's Souta. He said that the rift slightly opened, only a fraction of a hair." Hu tao spoke, and the kid's eyes widened except Izuku, he had no idea what was going on.

'the rift?'

Xiao took the phone out of Bennett's hand. 

"That isn't something you should joke about." Xiao spouted. 

"It's not a joke, Venti is down. There is no one watching the rift. Inazuma is the only place we haven't called, which is where you guys are. We are seriously in panic, we need to train until our body feels like we've been in war for years—" coughing in the background interrupted her. 

"VENTI." right after that, the phone seemingly got dropped hearing it clatter on the ground, then silence. 

"What's going on!?" Izuku questioned, clearly concerned. It didn't help the fact that a few of them started to run to the distance, though two of them stayed with a dark expression. 

"..." The boy looked at the two. 

"Kosuke, Kin. What's going on?" 

" Nothing you should worry about." Razor smiled.

"But... Chikako was upset." the dark green-haired kid furrowed his eyebrows.

"... How about we just walk you home." Bennett scratched his cheek.


He looked at their dark expressions. It was enough for him to shut up.





Xiao called Hu tao.

"what happened!? Teleport me, Kazuha, Chongyun and Xingqiu! Let me see!!"

Just like that they were in the healing center.

Xiao looked at his friend Venti. Laying there.

"What the hell happened!?"

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