Chapter 11

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Rather than seeing a person, Izuku saw a rather tall box in front of his door. It had a rather large tag on it. The boy reached for it and read it. 

To: Midoryia Izuku

From: Aziawa Kin, Aziawa Noda
Aziawa Chikako, Aziawa KazenoAziawa Yuko, Aziawa Mizuto.

The box itself looked heavy and rather expensive since it looked as if it was made out of some good metal. Izuku bent down and pulled up the box, trying his best not to hit the door frame on his way. 

He pushed his room door open and did the same process.

The boy looked around the steel box for anything that could help open it. he walked around it a bit and saw a dent. It had a familiar-looking shape.

Just as he was figuring it out the dent started to glow a familiar color and it clicked in his head. Izuku walked towards the vision and placed it in his hand. The boy went back to the box. He places his vision in it.


It started to glow he closed his eyes.

after 2 minutes which felt like years, he opened his eyes once again, once he did. The box was open with some sort of book and another envelope

He reached for it, one he opened it.

Congratulations on getting into U.A. We've been working on something for you. You see the lower part of the box that is like a solid part of it?

Place your hand on it and it should open, please make sure you aren't wearing gloves or it won't work.

That book you should see, if not in the other box inside the box, is the instruction manual and functions of the gift.

Have a great U.A. experience.

From: Kin, Noda, Chikako, Kazeno, Yuko, Mizuto Aziawa. 

Izuku smiled, his eyes sparkled.

'so coooooolll' the boy thought, he reached for the book. wanting to read it 1st before he opened whatever was in the box. If Chikako worked on it might be some type of death machine if you use it wrong. 

She once gave him a toaster with a manual and it somehow burned the toast in 1 second flat, and also a bit of the counter surprisingly it didn't use that much power compared to other toasters. Though she apologized, she also scolded him about reading the manual, once he did the creation was less dangerous. 

On the 1st page was a picture of the supposed item. It looked like gloves most likely Bennett's creation. He turned the to the next page, this time it was an outfit of some sort, assuming from the design it was created by Yuko, it had a similar design Izuku had in mind when he was a kid though he never showed anyone besides his friends. 

So Chikako did remember, that was a nice thought in his brain. 

The next page was goggles which was probably the creation of Kin since he was insanely talented at creating eyewear since his quirk made him practically blind. He looked at it, the goggles look interesting. 

'This is so much hero gear for just me. And for free!?' he thought to himself, now he felt like he was stealing from them. Izuku frowned they've done a lot for him so far and he couldn't repay it. 

'When I'm the #1 hero I'll make sure that they'll get what they all wish for.' Izuku nodded to himself. 

He opened the next page there was a tiny piece of paper that didn't seem to belong to the manual which had a professional finish to it, it probably was made by Mizuto now that he thought of it, the nice designs and the tinted,d light blue paper. 

He picked up the piece of vintage-looking paper and opened it. It was a drawing of the original sheet of the design. There was a signature at the bottom. saying 

'Nezu approved? wait Nezu? That name it reminds me something-'

"IZUKU! COME EAT!" his mother called. The boy looked at the box. He could always open it later. 

"ALRIGHT!" the boy yelled and came out of his room to eat some food. 




"Holy crap..." Hu tao's eyes widened. 

"I don't think that's what venti meant by it opening just by a tiny hair."  Zhongli spoke. 


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