Chapter 13

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"IZUKU!" Hu tao called, she jumped towards her friend. The girl smelled like pulm flowers. It made Izuku dizzy. 

"Chikako?" Izuku questioned, it's been so long since he's heard her voice or seen her. The green haired boy felt air escape his body. His friend got a lot stronger from what he remembered. 

"I'm back Izuku!" the girl picked up the boy like he was just a piece of paper. Now that he got a good look at her, her hair was to her knees rather to her back. Her eyes were most unique looking, the plum flower pupils were more prominent than before. 

"Chikako!" tears started to roll down his face. He was so happy. 




"Why were you gone for so long?" Izuku questioned, Chikako handed him a handkerchief. 

"I was on a surprise vacation." Hu tao replied, technically telling the truth. 

"Ah... I thought I did something wrong... hahah..." the boy with dark green hair scratched his cheek.

The girl looked at him with a surprised expression.

"I wouldn't leave you because you did something trivial. Are you crazy? Gain some confidence future number one. How can you become a hero if you can't even make more friends." Hu tao flicked his forehead. 

"You're right Chikako!" the boy held his head, she was insanely strong. 

Hu tao let out a wide smile. Then she remembered something. 

"Hey, did you try out our present to you yet?" She questioned. 

"O-Oh... Yeah, I tried it out. You guys are so talented. I mean the mask is what a
I always wanted it in my mind. The teal color is also-- Oh I just remembered something, wait here a second!" Izuku got off the couch and ran to his room. 

The girl blinked, 'wonder that was so important for him to get off track of his mumbling'

2 minutes later:

Izuku came out of his room with his two hands covering something. He went to sit down with his best friend. 

"What is in your hand?" hu tao questioned, she reached for it. revealing a glowing vision. 

Her eyes widened. 

"Woah, wait..."

'the vision has anemo sealed in it. That can't be right

"Chikako? What's wrong?" Izuku questioned.

She shook her head to disperse her thoughts. ' we found an abyss member, they're already closing the portal.'

"it's just amazing that you activated it!" she smiled. Patting his head as if he was a child.

"Really?" izuku's eyes sparkled.

"Mhmm!" hu tao then smacked the back of his head, like always.

"Ouch!" izuku covered the back of his skull.

"Hhahahahah they never expect the slap." hu tao smiled, the boy completely forgot about the whole Hu tao abandoning him.

"What does it even do? Is it like support gear or something?" izuku asked the girl, he'd wanted to know for a long time.

"so visions are something like quirks. They help you control and create elements like hydro, electro, anemo, geo, pyro, and Dendro."

As hu tao explained to Izuku, a bunch of words was being blanked out from his brain.

Izuku kept nodding as his best friend kept explaining about the weird orb thing. he gained like two pieces of info, mostly that is was something that stored ambition and they are magical in a sense. 

He was entertained by how much she wanted to talk about the item. It made him happy that his friend was back and with new ramblings to speak of. 

For once, he didn't have to do the explaining and more.

1 hour later

As he was in his own thoughts, Hu tao stopped talking. she laid on her friend's lap, like a tired cat. 

"Chikako? Are you alright?" Izuku asked, he placed his hand on her forehead. 

"Did you get anything about the Vision?" 

"Yup, thank you for explaining, Chikako." the broccoli boy smiled. Chikako could feel Izuku's steady heartbeat. The sound was calming and so comforting. Her eyes started to close. The boy noticed that she was falling asleep .

"Hey- wait, Chikako. wake up, how about I get you home-" 

"shut up, Izuku. Let me take a nap." the girl mumbled. 

"on my lap?!" 

"Why not?"

"Isn't it weird for a girl to fall asleep with a boy---"

"Then I'm a refrigerator, now shut up."









4 hours later

someone came to knock on the door. 

They waited for a respone. She entered the house she saw her son just sleeping on the couch. Her son looked so peaceful but the way he sat was as if Chikakowas sleeping on his lap once more, her face saddened. 

'he sure does miss Little Chikako...' 








Izuku opened his eyes, he shook his head. He had a rather happy dream, Chikako was back in at school and visiting him. 

His face sadded then he closed his fist, he heard a wrinkle. he rubbed his eyes, Izuku looked down at his hand. 

"See you at U.A. Broccoli" neat yet creepy handwriting was on the paper, he recognized it as Chikako's.

he smiled. 

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