Chapter 18

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Izuku opened his eyes. He was in his room sweat dripped down his face.

His heart was racing for some reason, the dream, no, a nightmare.

Though it was horrific the boy couldn't remember.

Before the boy could think more about it his alarm rang.

"Ah! School!" izuku quickly put on his uniform. He ate breakfast and said goodbye to his mother.

He arrived at class. His classmates were socializing with each other.

Soon homeroom began, their hero training on that day was to go against each other. It was time to wear his hero costume. The one his friends made him.

Just the thought made him happy. As he started to put on the suit for the 1st time he saw some writing, a tag.


He read it.

'Don't touch, only when you need to fix it. Izuku's mom made it.'

He smiled and then put on his gloves. He heard a ding.

He looked for his phone. He checked.

-Added to [operation infinite tp] -

Bookworm: no, not this name. Stop.

Ven: Huh?

Bookworm changed the name to [ operation waypoints ]

Ven: why not operation tp.

Kazo: cause you wrote it in English, that means its "Operation infinite Toilet paper"

Who: what? Why'd you change it???

BENNY: Can we change it to Adventure team?

Ven changed the name to [ Benny's Adventure team ]

Ven: of course Bennett!

Wolf: ooh

Wolf: Why is my name wolf?

Kazoo: Cause why not?

Who: Haha, get it cause its like who put me in this coffin lol

Bookworm: Coffin???

Who: it's a joke--

Bookworm: Is that why you're late????


Goggles: Who are you guys???


Goggles: Woahhhhhhh, that's interesting!!!

Ven: wot? I'm not your brother

Who: no one asked.


"Hey, what's up with you?" someone asked. It was Iida.

"Wh-!? OH."

Izuku remembered he was still in U.A.

He quickly put on his gloves, mask, and shoes.

The boy ran out to the building. All Might was there, his smile shone through the crowd.








"Man, Class here is really boring, right Mei?" Hu tao questioned.

"Woaah, these goggles are amazing, And yeah! Hero course is just meant to grow a heroes fame early. That's probably the only difference between normal classes and hero classes." the pink-haired girl nodded, her vision was at its peak, she could see literally everything, even the pores on people's faces.

"Oh, Wolf made them, he's in the group chat."

"Wowwww, does his quirk have something to do with his vision? Like super sight?"

"Yes but it's more like he turns blind each time he activates his quirk."

"That's a pretty useless quirk," Mei spoke

"That's not his quirk, that's the downside of it. But yeah, would be pretty useless. 'activate, If I can't see it, it still can see me.'" Hu tao chuckled.

"So what is his quirk?"

"he can locate anything, no matter how far. But he can't exactly show them. He is can also apparently state the exact coordinates, don't know how that works." the girl with brunette hair shrugged.

"So, he made goggles to help with his Vision? That's so interesting, can I marry them?" Mei questioned, her eyes sparkling. That caught Hu tao off guard, no one was that bold to ask to marry her adopted siblings.

"I mean, go ahead and try." Hu tao laughed.

Izuku looked around, someone was watching him. But he couldn't see anyone staring at him.

"Mr.Aizawa!!" someone yelled.

The person in front of the group was a boy with white hair. their eyes were the colors of autumn. 

"Sorry for being late. Kosuke accidentally lit his notebook on fire. And I went to look for Chikako, she's fine" the boy explained, he had char all over him with some pieces of paper on his head. 

The class waited for a scolding, the teacher was brutal from what they learned after a few days. 

"That's fine Kazuha." the man patted the boy's head. 


"Well class, this here is someone who will be managing your fights." 

Ida raised his hand. 

"What is it?" a cold voice came from the teacher. 

"Is he Perhaps our senior? I've never heard of a student named Kazuha before." the boy asked quickly, not fazed by the teacher's expression. 

"No, he is a student picked by the principal to be in U.A. All might, take it away." the man went to stand behind the All might, Kazuha looked back and smiled at the kids. 

Mina remembered him, he went to her school. He was the popular kid in school that everyone felt like was out of their lead. 

"Kazuha? my bro!?" a boy with red hair yelled, Kazuha tilted his head and then realized it.

"Oh! Eijiro. You got here? Wow! congrats!!!— ehem..— my bro." the boy put his thumb up. 

"yeah! It's so nice to see you again!" rather than staying with the very professional people he went to talk to his friend. 

"You have a strong quirk? I didn't—"

"—focus class, you can talk to him after the instructions." Aizawa stepped in. 

"Ah, sorry Mr.Aziawa." Kazuha bowed. 

All might started to explain. 

(too lazy to make that much dialogue so I'll just explain In a simply way) 

Kazuha was there because of his quirk, vortex was highly useful to control an area of attack. for example. 

Angry villain goes BIG BOOM DIE

Kazuha can do the UNO REVERSE CARD BITCH and then at the same time nullifies the quirks

he also can create a safe barrier around people that helps them increase their defense. 

That barrier can maybe, sometimes, kill people. Only if he wants to. ~Bakugo: I'm in danger~ 

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