Chapter 19

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hu tao was on her newly made phone watching the news.

She saw it.

A whopper flower


The girl got up from her seat and ran out of the classroom door. others came runninig.




kazuha closed his eyes and activated his quirk. the floor, the building, and the students had a slight orange glow. Soon it disappeared. 

"that should be good, the building is mostly safe from quirks, though physical ones can still break it. be careful." the boy explained to the group.

Soon the kids were broken into groups of four. Villains and Heroes. 



[Hu tao is calling, Xiao, Kazuha, Bennett, Xingqiu, Chongyun, and Razor]


the group of people joined the call without hesitation even Kazuha. 

"I'll be back." Kazuha whispered to Aizawa. The boy left the room



"What is it?" Xiao questioned. 

"Whopper flower, I saw one in the news, it was a few pixels but I can see the specific color. "

"Found it." Razor spoke.

"I'll send you the coordinates, I feel exhausted right now. Sorry, I  can't help." The lad with gray hair apologized. 

"That's fine, I'll got take care of it. Don't worry." Xiao told the group.

"I'll got with you." Hu tao spoke, wanting to skip her boring class. 

"no skipping class!"


"no." Xiao and Xingqiu denied.


"that sounds like a pretty good deal."

The group were running out of room in their lab because the excessive amount of coffins hu tao made.

"Wooo. I'll meet you there! So hurry up so I can teleport to you."

Xiao sighed and then ended the call.

[extermination call ended.]



Kazuha opened the door and walked to see the screen.

"Welcome back, Noda."

The boy bowed.

Kazuha was told that class 1-A was training to be powerful heroes in the future.

There were 20 of them, twenty easily killable targets for the world.


Kazuha could kill a villain, he already had bloodied hands. But these kids never killed anyone, being a hero means being a punching bag. Laws constrict and blood will be spilled. 

'I was a villain once, a villain to the people of the Tenryou commission. I've killed them with one lethal strike, just like how my friend died..." 

He looked at his hand. A small crystal flashed in and out of veiw.

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