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Mai thought, she nodded at her principal.
She's seen All Might fight on several occasions and he was the number one hero for a reason.

But she was a champion for a reason as well.

Her peers mumbled to one another, they'd been shocked when Nezu Said Bakugou and Midoriya were going to fight All Might.

They didn't expect their teachers to put a single student against him, so was this some sort of joke? Did they want her to fail?
Sure Mai was strong but still All might was Number one, he had years of on field combat experience.

"Is that a good idea?!"

"Poor Mai."

"Why All might?!"

"This will be interesting."

"Of course it is a good idea!"
Nezu chirped, cutting through through the anxious chatter.
Earlier He'd had the same objections coming from the teachers.

Nezu smiled in response to his co-worker's objections.
"You are all likely aware of the rumors circulating around Mai being here, a lot of students believe she doesn't belong here because she didn't have to take a test!"

The teachers nodded slowly understanding where this was going.

"Well to prove that wrong we might have to test her harder than any other student, plus I doubt any of the other teachers will be challenging enough for her."
He added the last part to piss off his co-workers.


"I'm sure she'll be fine!!"
Nezu said to the children.
Not saying his reasoning to them because they were part of the problem.
Nezu had eyes everywhere, he knew that even her classmates briefly talked about her not belonging behind her back.

"Are you sure Principal! Maybe you should re think-"
Iida started, possibly forgetting the fact that Nezu's quirk was in fact High spec, making him smarter than almost any human.
Including Iida.

"Shut up, I'll do it."
Mai interrupted looking at her classmates.

Nezu clapped.
"Lovely, Bakugou! Midoriya! You guys are up first!"
He made sure to give All Might plenty of rest time in between the matches.

He'll need it.


Mai stood at the entrance of the fake city.
Her jaw clinched.
She was determined to win this, and not by running away like Bakugou and Midoriya.
She needed to WIN this fight, not by defaultbut by strength and strategy.

She was determined to beat All might, and she knew she could.
No one was invincible, she studied All mights previous match.
Her had a weak spot, his left side.
It wasn't a big weakness as far as she could tell, but a weakness nonetheless.

Then the match started.
She walked close to the building, she didn't like hiding but she'll have to temporarily.

She's only used a hundred percent of her power once, it was a painful process that she couldn't risk doing out in the open.

A loud boom sounded.

Villain All might really was a scary thing, his ability to destroy full sized buildings with ease was terrifying.
And Mai was hiding while he was running freely through the streets.
She would probably lose points for that.

She closed her eyes and activated her quirk to it's fullest extent.
Wings ripped from her back, her scalp started to bleed when her horns grew into weapons.

She felt a burning strength tear through her veins as they bulged close to the surface of her skin.
Her temple and arms displayed unnatural bulging veins as her skin turned into a dark red.
Her eyes turned red but the flashed to black as the gained eyesight better than a hawks.

Her hearing advanced so strongly she could hear Her classmate's hearts beating, she could hear them worry about her as they watched her transformation.

For good reason, everything burned.
It felt like her body was dipped in molten metal
For a split second she was immobile, the exact reason she was hiding, if All Might found her like this she'd be dead.

Mai held back a scream that came out as strained grunts.
But then in an instant the pain faded.
As quickly as it started.
Leaving her body tingling with unbelievable power.

She smirked and ran.
Her body reached impossible speeds and before she knew it she was beside All might, he was still fast enough to dodge her hit.

She circled him, dust flew up as she ran a hundred laps in a second.
She ripped off the hood of her hero costume and let it float behind her.

There was another reason her quirk was called "Demon" it was because of the devilish superiority complex she got when fully activated.
And it manifested itself in pulling the same dirty trick Uraraka tried at the sports festival, but this time doing it right.

All might said grabbing the fabric.

He made the mistake of turning his back on the actual Mai.

She landed a hit between his shoulder blades that caused him to fly forward.
She purposefully hit him so he only rolled down the path of buildings he already destroyed.

She didn't wait for him to recover.
she ran after the fake villain and aimed a punch at his gut, where she knew he was injured.
He rolled away and jumped up, trying and failing to hit her in the gut.
She blocked the punch with one of her own, it sent shockwaves through the entire cityscape.

And they didn't stop there, they kept up the process, each punch sending a bigger shock wave than the last.

In the observation room screens were flickering out as their cameras were destroyed by the two gods.

Until The only one left was at the wall far from them, it zoomed in as close as it could and adjusted itself so the class could see the blur of motion coming from them.

With one final punch they both flew back, All might flew through several walls while Mai landed in the rubble of a building.

She let out a shocked scream.
The girl had landed on a broken Pipe, it pierced through her side The sharp piece of metal barely Missed her organs.

The students in the observation room gasped.
They turned green at the sight of their impaled classmate.
But that didn't stop Mai, her quirk was set to win this fight, it locked out the logic telling her to stop and get medical attention.

"Y-young Rika?"
All might asked standing up and walked towards her.

She put her hands behind herself and snapped the pipe.
She was smart enough to know pulling it out was dangerous unless she was able to go into surgery.

She stood up and looked at him.

"I'm not done yet."

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