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"Mai Rika... My angel."
He mockingly spat the word angel and grinned.
Midoriya glanced back waiting for Mai to do something to explain but he saw her looking in horror, eyes stuck to the screen.
Then an old video from years ago replaced Keiji on the screen.
A video of Mai Ripping the heart out of the blood witch.

Several screams erupted from several places in the room as the kids watched a scene more graphic than anything in the lord of the rings.
The face of young Mai was crystal clear.
Covered in blood as she held up her red trophy like it was a prize.

Mai's feet moved before she could think, Her instincts telling her to run, to hide.
To hide from Keiji.
From her classmates.
From the precious world crumbling aroud her.

Like a fragile sandcastle Mai built with the help of her teachers and pro heroes.
A beautiful place where people actually accepted her for the first time.
A fake distorted sandcastle built on lies in a false world where Keiji would allow her to live out of his clutches.

All she could do now was watch it crumble under the wave of reality.
The reality that Mai could never be normal.
The only thing she was left to do was desperately grasp at the grains of sand as they were washed away.


The girl pressed her back against the door of her room.
Eyes wide and flickering from grey to red as panic set her mind and quirk into a frenzy.

She was waiting.
Waiting for someone to come in, for the people she once thought of as friends.
The people she genuinely started to care for.
The freinds she loved.
Waiting for them to hunt her down.
Hunt her like the murderous beast she was and tear her apart in anger.
And she welcomed it.
She welcomed the idea of them ending her pathetic existence because of their own fear.
She deserved this.

Mai gasped for breath as her chest tightened.

She deserved to die by the hands of heroes like the villain she was.
She deserved to feel the sting of death, the sting she'd previously made hundreds of others feel.
But she wasn't ready.
She didn't want to die.
That's why she was still here.
Because she couldn't let herself fucking die.
Because she was willing to do whatever it took.
Even killing others.
That's what made her a monster.

But it also gave her a new purpose.

She couldn't die.
Because she needed to make up for it.
Make up for the pain.
For the death.
She had to save more people than she killed.
She has to protect more people than she's harmed.

It was the debt she owed to the world.


Panic flowed through the school.
The entire school.
Keiji's message was playing an every tv on UA campus.
Students were calling everyone.
Their parents.
The police.
Their teachers.

And the word spread through the internet like wild fire in only a night.
No one knew what to do about this information on the demon girl from class one A.
The teachers did their best to calm the students, sending them to their rooms until the morning.


Mai couldn't sleep.
But she could hear.
She could hear the phone calls.
The panicked students whispering and crying over the murder they were forced to watch.

Mai's mind was a panicked blur.
Her quirk didn't even allow her to fall to nightmares, only sit in her own hell.
Mai couldn't tell what was real, But she assumed Kai wasn't.

The boy stood at the other side of the room.
Staring into her with his piercing green eyes.
Watching her panic until the sun rouse and the crowd gathered.

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