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Mai really didn't like most people.
Which meant she hated large groups of the species. Mai stood behind Kirishima as the two hero course classes prepared to load into the two bus's. She'd modified her costume slightly, her hood was less of a decoration and more functional. The fabric was stiff and compactable. When up it rested over her horns and shadowed her face. When down it laid flat against her back.

She avoided Class 1-B and some of class 1-A like the plague. Unlike what everyone advised she did not infact get a lot of rest. She stayed up to midnight and then woke up from a nightmare at four in the morning.
She felt really exhausted despite going to sleep after...
She glanced up at Kirishima. That.
The two teens woke up that morning with Mai still asleep on top of Kirishima. Much to his dismay she woke up right after him and left to go change in the bathroom. He would have been fine staying there forever, he was happier than he'd ever been before. Not only did Mai accept his feelings but she wanted to be in a relationship with him.

That was fucking awesome! He had a girlfriend! And not the kind you had in first grade where you tapped on someone's shoulder, asked if they would be your girlfriend, and did nothing but hold hands at recess. This was a legit girlfriend.
He also realized he never actually broke up with that girl in first grade, so he possibly had another out there girlfriend somewhere.
But she wasn't nearly as cool as Mai.

He hadn't had the chance to tell Mina and the others but he would after the exam, right now everyone had to focus.
They got onto a bus and once again no one listened to Iida's assigned seating. Kirishima sat right next to Mai after she made her way to a window seat.

The drive was over an hour long but he didn't mind, he liked the fact that he had time to mentally prepare himself for what they'd be doing. This was important, like his future as a hero kinda depended on this test. Sure he might be able to retake it if he failed but he couldn't let himself get behind.

Eventually Mai fell asleep and leaned against his shoulder, their hands locked together.
Mai was oddly more affectionate than he expected but he wasn't going to complain.

He gently shook her awake as the bus rolled to a stop infront of their destination. Her eyes flickered open and she looked up at him.
Could he kiss her? Because he wanted to kiss her. Izuku and Uraraka behind them would probably notice but maybe they wouldn't say anything. But If they tattled on them to Iida or worse, Aizawa, they might get in trouble.

He pouted as Mai stood up and walked out of the aisle. There went his chance.
He sighed and dragged himself up after her with a disappointed huff.

The class huddled by the bus and waited for Aizawa's command.
"Hey EarserHead!"
A woman with green hair walked up and Mai glanced over at her and the class of second years following behind her.
"Seeing you here must be fate! We should get married!"
The woman declared boldly with a obnoxious laugh.

'Aizawa is literally the gayest man on the planet what the fuck-'
Mai thought before backing up as a second year approced their class. He had a fake smile plastered on his face as he greeted the famous class one A.

Mai could see something was off about him, he went around grabbing people's hands and shaking them like the first year students were actual famous pros.
"I guess hero students wise we are kinda celebrities!"
Denki said with a laugh.

Mai eyed him and leaned against the bus. No that wasn't it, if anything they'd be targeted because everyone knew their quirks and drawbacks. Except Mai's, technically she was a wildcard. A very powerful wildcard.
He stopped at Mai and put out his hand.
"I'm sorry I don't recognize you! I'm Yo Shindo!"
He introduced.
The name sounded familiar but then again so many people were talking around her it could have been said when he got here and she wouldn't know.

He eyed the girl in the hood as she ignored his hand and whispered to Kirishima.
He had an idea on who she was but there's no way he was right. There no way she was actually allowed to come-

"The name's Mai."
She peeked up and his black eyes locked with her grey, with her red. He was petrified but really tried his best to hide it. Time slowed as she trapped him in eye contact and took his outstretched hand. A lump of horror stuck in his throat. It was her. It was actually her.
Mai Rika.

"Oh! Now I remember you! You were on tv-"
Yo was an excellent actor. He could easily put on a facade that he was a energetic people person. But sometimes people saw through it.
Like that Bakugou, and now her.

He hated her.

He hated her with every ounce of his being and there was no way in hell he was letting her pass this exam. Guilty conscience or not, Mai Rika should never be allowed to become a hero.

He was interrupted by the red haired boy next to Mai. The boy all but karate chopped their hands apart and shook Yo's with an iron grip.
"Nice you meet you bro!"
He said with a toothy smile.

Shindo returned taking his hand back after shaking. The tension between the two boys was weird. Earlier Mai whispered to Kirishima saying this guy was faking and was probably bad news and he didn't like the way this second year was looking at Mai.

"Come on, it's starting."
Aizawa commanded.
Kirishima grabbed Mai's hand and pulled her away from the dude. The guy gave off suspicious vibes and Kirishima didn't like it.


The crowd was huge.
Thousands of hero course students shoved together into a box like room. Mai was pushed into Mina infront of her and Kirishima was shoved into Mai. She didn't have much wiggle room and was forced to turn off her quirk before everything overwhelmed her.
"There's too many people."
Denki complained.

"We need a new plage."
Sero finished with a chuckle.

Mai took a deep breath and shivered. Too many people. Let's hope more than half get booted in the first round.
Kirishima wrapped his arms around her and leaned forward, his breath tickling Mai's ear.
"You okay?"
He asked and she nodded.

"I'll be fine."
She answered with a sigh.

"You sure-"
Kirishima was interrupted by an extremely tired man. The announcer yawned and groaned into the microphone while explaining the first round.

"The first hundred students will pass to the next round."
The tired man said.
Mai smirked. This was really good. Not only was the challenge a free for all but ninety percent of these people will be kicked out, meaning next time they all come back to this room there won't be a lot of people!

Who knew Mai was such a positive thinker?
All she has to do was tap six Targets and get out. Mai soon got lost in her positive thoughts and jumped when all of the sudden a loud mechanical screech came from the room as the walls fell and slammed against the ground revealing the full landscape the room was hiding.
They were surrounded by different types of both urban and natural areas that would work with money different people's quirks.

"Guess we're starting!"
Denki said as a staff member began passing out foam balls and targets. Mai grabbed them and placed them in a line on her chest. And tucked two of the balls into her pockets.

She looked at the orange left in her hand.
Maybe... Just maybe.. this will be kinda fun.


Midoriya decided they should travel in a group and Bakugou decided he didn't have time for that bullshit.
"I- uh-"
Kirishima stuttered looking at his friend, then at his girlfriend.

"Go ahead, I'll stay with the group a bit. If things go to slowly I'll separate and track you guys down."
Mai shrugged tilting her head to the side while listening to a conversation close by.
They were being surrounded.

"You guys no what to do but one thing, leave the devil bitch to me."
A familiar voice said from behind a rock.

'Oh really?'
Mai thought with a smirk.

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