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Mai declared questioningly much to Kirishima's dismay. It was now almost midnight and he had been teaching his friend card games all night. Turns out she was actually really good at them.
He pulled a wild card out of his deck of twenty cards.
He desided praying that his opponent's remaining card wasn't the same color.

Mai shrugged and placed down another color changing wild card.
"Green, did I win?"
She asked looking at her empty hands and Kirishima pouted over his defeat.

"Yes, you're good at this."
He mumbled gathering the cards and setting them on her table. Mai shrugged.
"I like poker better."
She said laying down and rubbing her grey eyes.

The boy nodded, Mai was amazing at poker. She had a constant blank face through the game and could tell if people were lying.
"Yeah that makes sense."
He mumbled shuffling nervously.
What was he supposed to do now? Leave? Stay? Confess his love?
Was it to early to say love? Because this felt like love.

"Are you okay?"
Mai asked with a yawn looking up at him with drooping eyes.

Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah. We should probably get some sleep."
He stood up, Mai was tired enough that she could fall asleep without him. So there was no reason for him to stay right? Right.
"Goodnight Mai."
He whispered, but Mai was already asleep.


Classes passed and it turns out the hero licensing exam was tomorrow and that's as the reason behind the whole "ultimate moves" training.
The idea made Mai nervous, what horrible timing really. It had to be right after the entire country found out that Mai was a murderer.
Mai sat through her tutoring barely paying attention to what Babble was going on about.

"Mai if you're not paying attention then you might as well go eat lunch."
Babble said hitting the desk with her ruler.
Mai groaned and leaned back.
"Then I would have to go to the cafeteria! That place is scary..."
Mai complained.

"Then go to your classroom until next period starts or pay attention."
Babble ordered pushing her glasses up and crossing her arms.

The student mumbled standing up and grabbing her bag.

"Don't be, you're doing great and improving quickly. But you also have that exam tomorrow and you need to rest before that."
Babble smiled warmly at her student.
"Take it easy alright?"

Mai nodded and made her way to the door, she wondered through the hallways slowly eyes closed. She really hoped she wouldn't cross paths with anyone.


"Come on what's the problem? All I want is your number."
Mai turned a corner and saw a lanky guy leaning over a familiar short girl with chocolate brown hair.
His hand has against the wall next to the shorter girl's head.

"N-no I- Can you please move? I need to get to class."
Ami asked nervously eyes darting around searching for an exit.

"Don't be so lame, it won't hurt anything."
The boy pushed, he leaned forward instead of backing the fuck up like the girl asked.

Mai decided then and there that she didn't like perverts. She walked forward and placed a hand on the boy's shoulder, squeezing it hard enough that it might leave a bruise.
"Hey bud, I think the nice girl asked you to get lost."
She said the guy scoffed and turned, his features looked two close together, like when you pushed in the face of a barbie doll, and his brown hair was swept up in a style that resimbled Present Mic's but shorter.

His smushed face went from cocky and pissed off to purely terrified as they realized Who the newcomer towas.
"I- I-"

"-were just leaving, right?"
Mai finished for him eyes staring straight into his soul, Mai knew that she could be intimidating. Especially if someone knew who she was.

The boy darted away quickly in the direction Mai had come from looking back and almost running into the wall.
Mai shrugged and looked Ami over, searching for possible injuries before continuing on her way.

Ami ran after her.
"Hey! why'd you do that?"
The girl asked grabbing Mai's shoulder and turning her around.

"Because he was being a creep."
Mai shrugged her arm off.
She didn't dislike this girl, she was a stranger and didn't really mean shit to her.

"So you did that out of the kindness of your heart or some shit?"
Ami stepped in front of her seemingly frustrated.
"You can't actually expect me to believe that!"

"Actually I don't care what you believe."
Mai said walking around her without hesitation ignoring the other girls frustrated look.

"Oh come on! You're not supposed to be... To be cool! You're supposed to be crazy and scary!"

The girl pouted and Mai turned to look at her in confusion.

"You think I'm cool?"

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