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Yeah so I haven't watched this episode in forever and I really don't want to rn so if anything doesn't match up then...
Idk fuck you?

Buildings crumbled to the ground and paided actors stumbled through the fake city.
Unfortunately saving them was hard for Mai. Considering the fact that they weren't actually hurt they weren't desperate to be saved.
So they preferred Mai didn't touch them.
So after several attempts at saving she switched to offence.

Other students have set up a medical camp where they 'treated' the injured.
But soon what Mai assumed were fake villains appeared and ran to the camp. Mai bolted to them and stood in between the army of villains and the hurt civilians.
Mai's quirk wasn't the type that she could use on multiple people at once but she could move fast enough that she could make sure no one got past her.

She jumped up and kicked one in the jaw and punched the man next to him.
She landed easily and grabbed one man's shirt flipping him over her head and onto the other villain aproching her from behind. Whoever these guys were they weren't the best at combat.

Behind her some students began evacuating the injured while others began to fight along side Mai. There was another group of villains not to far away lead by a large man that looked like some sort of aquatic creature. But Inasa and Todoroki were taking care of that group. Or at least trying, they seemed to be in the middle of some sort of Tiff.

Mai ducked and dodged the fake terrorists, sweat dripping from her hairline.
Sure Mai was used to fighting and had high pain tolerance and stamina but she wasn't used to fighting groups. With them she had to keep up her speed and watch her back. Especially because they were significantly outnumbered.
Mai felt heat from behind her and she turned. Dispite how far they were she could still feel the firy tornado that Todoroki and Inasa had created.

She shook her head and kept going. Soon Mai stood infront of the last standing Fake villain who was quaking before her.
"Can I just lay down and we pretend you beat me?"
The guy requested and Mai waved him off. A few seconds after the exam ended when the last few civilians were rescued.


Mai looked at the paper in her hand. Then at the board. Sure enough her name was on it and she had seventy points remaining according to the paper meaning she passed.
In the paper was several things she should work on including:

Friendliness, rescuing skills and working with a team.

Those were what her points were removed for.
Technically they weren't exactly wrong. Mai was surprised they didn't fail her because she wasn't capable of saving people under collapsed building and shit.

"Did you pass?!"
Kirishima asked peeking at her paper.
"What! You're very friendly!"
He said with a smile.

"Don't lie to me Kirishima."
Mai said looking from the paper to him.
"I know who I am."

He scoffed but glanced to the side.
"You know Bakugou failed. He was super rude to every citizen we came across and wouldn't let us help at all. He's pretty sensitive about failing too."
He whispered to Mai who nodded.
"Yeah that makes sense, honestly I'm surprised they didn't fail me."

"I'm not! Because you're awesome!"
He said pulling her into a hug.

"Did anyone else fail?"
She asked smoothing her uniform skirt down and scanning the board again.
'Looks like everyone-'

"I think Todoroki failed."
Mina said after magically appearing behind them.
"Which is like... Really weird because him and Bakugou are the strongest Boys in our class."
She said putting a finger on her chin.
"But obviously that can't beat girl power!"
She gave Mai a high-five.

Mai nodded but suddenly felt someone's eyes on her. She tilted her head to the side and saw Yo making his way over, Eyes on Mai.
He stopped at her her and bowed quickly, behind him was a girl his age with blonde hair.

"I'm sorry for everything I said."
He apologized looking at her and sniffling.
"I think he'd be proud of you too."
He said before whipping around and running back to the rest of his class.

"What was that about?"
Mina asked leaning forward.

"Nothing, he yelled at me in between the exams."
Mai said eyes still on his back. It's weird that she didn't notice his relation to Kai sooner because now it was obvious. Though Kai was leaner and had green eyes but other than that they had the same eye shape and jaw structure.
They were obviously brothers.

"He yelled at you?"
Kirishima said glaring at him.

"Yeah, then I yelled at him and we both ended up crying."

"Everyone! It's time to go back to the bus! Aizawa is waiting!!"
Iida commanded leading them to the exit.
Mai nodded and walked with the group of students while Kirishima puffed out his cheeks and continued to glare at the boy, until Mai took his hand and pulled him after her.


Mai rubbed her forehead and looked out the window. A headache developing from the stress of today. The bus finally pushed forward scaring a murder of crows. The six black birds launched into the air and flapped away cawing to each other. Mai looked out the window.
Then turned her attention to Aizawa, the man seemed off. Probably because he wanted to lecture someone on their performance but hasn't had the chance yet.
Or maybe because that green haired woman proposed to him again when they weren't there.


Aizawa sighed and left the short meeting he had with the exam directors. It was about Mai Rika. She'd passed easily of course but they had a few concerns. A few of the actors tried to take unreasonable amounts of points from hers and gave false reasons for doing so.
Saying Mai yelled and threatened them. Of course the directors knew these were falsehoods and changed her points back. They forced Aizawa to stay so they could apologize and tell him that the culprits will be fired.

He walked outside to the bus so he could take the kids home and finally get to bed.
But when he finally reached the parking lot.

The bus wasn't there.


Mai started to realized something was definitely up. Aizawa was taking a completely different route than last time and soon they were on a bumpy road in the middle of nowhere. When Iida questioned him Aizawa responded with "Avoiding Traffic." And didn't answer any other questions.

They drove through a dark tunnel that didn't have any lines or lights over head.
"Mr Aizawa what is the meaning of this?!"
Iida spoke up again as the class began whispering among themselves, Uraraka grabbed Midoriya's arms and Toru said something about how spooky the tunnel was.

The there was a beeping sound behind them and finally.

An explosion.

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