Chapter 5

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The library was a moderately sized room with French doors leading to the garden, and it didn't contain one book, but there was a row of shelves along one wall that held a collection of framed documents and artifacts. Immediately Gretta was drawn to them, and she perused each one with a professional eye.

"See anything you like, Miss Lawrence?" The voice was a smooth baritone delivered by an equally suave looking man in a grey blazer, navy pants and surprisingly, a washed denim shirt. He sat on the corner of a library table, another nod to a bookless room, holding a large snifter containing what might have been cognac.

"Mr. Forrester, I presume." Gretta returned to Arny's side. "Yes, actually I do. The Balzac. I believe that was in the National Art Gallery in London."

"Very good, Miss Lawrence, and correct as well. Was, being the operative word. But we can discuss these things more thoroughly after proper introductions and a glass of cognac."

Forrester raised his hand and the ever present butler passed through the group with a tray of glasses.

"Please, make yourselves comfortable." Forrester indicated the many upholstered chairs about the room, all directed toward his table. "May I propose a toast to our little gathering and thank you all for accepting my, I suppose, rather mysterious invitation."

They all lifted their glasses and tasted the drink.

"Oh, that is something else." Billy acknowledged with another lift of her glass to Forrester.

"It is indeed. It's a Louis XIII de Rémy Martin Black pearl Grande Champagne Cognac."

"And the meal was simply wonderful," Deb added.

Several voices chimed in with similar comments.

"Pardon me, but as impressed as I have been with everything to date, I would still like to know just why we are here. Why this particular group?"

"I see the investigator in you doesn't sleep, Mr. Hart."

"I think we are all of a mind, Mr. Forrester." Jessica added. "You have to admit this entire situation is all very unorthodox."

Malcolm stood from the desk and tasted from his snifter before speaking. "I suppose some confusion and curiosity is in order. Fair enough. You are here because each of you, as a couple or individually, caused huge financial, and or personnel damage to my business interests." The grim smile was with the lips only.

The words landed with a thud, and mouths opened silently, as they looked around at one another.

"What are you talking about, I don't even know you." Hart spoke up again, and was joined by similar objections from others.

"That's quite true and there is no reason why any of you should. Nevertheless, your actions in the past brought you all to my attention . . . regretfully, I might add."

"I think we need a better explanation than that." Gretta said, her suspicions sending alert signals to her brain.

"Very well." Malcolm took a seat behind the library table and opened a large leather-bound notepad. "I thought we might have a bit more social pleasantry first, but I can see that's not on. Forgive me for using my notes. I want to be perfectly correct in what I say. Oh, and help yourselves to the cognac. We may as well enjoy our gathering as much as possible." The smile remained tight but didn't last.


"I will begin with the most recent disruption. Mr. Hart-"

"This should be good." Hart sat back crossing his legs.

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