Chapter 6

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Malcolm snapped another page over in his book. "Miss Estrada, you and your friend threw quite a wrench into another of my lucrative property investments. You do recall Winston Graves? By the way, your phone won't work here – no signal."

She lowered her phone to her lap. "You have to be joking. Winston Graves?" Billy made a disbelieving face.

"On the contrary. He was developing a very lucrative timeshare business throughout the Caribbean on my behalf."

"Scam was more like it." Miller put in.

"Point of view. The thing is, your meddling destroyed a very expensive operation and once again, another associate died."

"He was murdered by a corrupt security guard, not us."

"Your father's resort. Your meddling. Your fault."

"Don't even dream of bringing my father into this."

"I'll caution you not to threaten me."

Gretta stood and walked to the table, leaning forward on her fists. "You saved me until last with good reason I imagine. All those treasures lost, I suppose were all operations financed by you, and the one you did get," she nodded toward the Balzac, "you had to buy."

"Yes I did have to buy that, and it wasn't even one that you were involved with. Do you know Holly Lakefield?"

"By reputation."

"Hmm, well your own reputation has probably cost me more than the rest of the people here combined."

"Going to list my perceived transgressions are you?"

"Far too much to go into, perhaps just a few names to refresh your memory. Vincent Crocadero, Claude DeGeer, Bishop Gravestone, Wayne Jenner, Rita Jenner, Jacob Strom, Joshua Danzig, Declan Peoples, Luane Treeline, Arthur Benlamond . . . and a number of lesser players as well . . . mostly all dead." The words were bitten off angrily.

The group stirred uncomfortably, looking at Gretta and Arny with stunned expressions.

"Okay, what else is in your book of naughty and nice?" Parker jutted out his chin. Des touched his arm but he pulled away. Not the Parker she was familiar with.

Forrester's expression never changed, but his look seemed to darken. "The actual totals of all the losses incurred, but I don't imagine you would really care Mr. Nevens."

"Maybe if you cut back here a little they wouldn't be so bad."

The notebook closed with a slap and Malcolm stood from behind the table. "This expense is well worth the little it is costing me considering the return it will pay."

"In what way exactly?" Gretta asked, still standing at the table. Their eyes met and connected in a glaring standoff.

"Satisfactorily. So if you will excuse me, I don't think a cordial conversation can be had now, so I bid you all goodnight."

The jabbering and questions sounded like a press gallery as Malcolm strode quickly across the room and disappeared through the door.

"What the hell is all that supposed to mean?" Arny looked at Gretta. She shook her head and took his arm.

"I think that's it for us for tonight. We all need to do some thinking."


The session in the library had left the guests stunned and more than a little concerned over Malcolm's parting threat, not entirely veiled, and each couple returned to their villa to cool off and contemplate their circumstances.

"Is this guy king of the underworld?"

"It sounds like it doesn't it?" Jessica slipped out of her dress and into a dressing gown, compliments of the resort. "What he knew about us was certainly true so I imagine the rest is as well."

"But what's the endgame? What is he planning on doing? I don't like to actually think about that." Jeff leaned against the patio door frame and stared out over the water.

"Whatever it is we are at his mercy at the moment." Jess said. "Can't leave the island unless we steal a plane. The really weird thing is he's still laying on all the amenities like we're his best friends."

"Fatted calves more like it."

Jeff came back into the room and sat on the bed. "After what we heard in there I doubt friendship is on the table." He laid back, hands behind his head. "You know, Hart came by when I was in the pool and mentioned another house on the grounds and he said he heard men talking."

"Who were they?"

"He didn't know. He didn't see them or let them see him. I thought they might be help. You know, grounds people or something, but after tonight I can't imagine Forrester assumed he could manage twelve of us by himself."

"No, me either. Might be worth doing some investigating."

"Such as?"

"Such as who was watching us on that camera up there?"

She lay on the bed beside him and they both stared silently at the tiny object in the ceiling, which now wore a lens covering.


"Did you hear what that Gretta did? My God, she's a one woman army!"

"Don't you think you should be more concerned about what Malcolm is up to?"

"I am concerned, Deb, but I mean really . . ."

"The fact that he knows so much about all of us impresses me a lot more . . . and scares the heck out of me."

"What's to be scared? What do you think he's doing, fattening us all up for the kill because he thinks we lost him some business? He should try running a small hotel."

"Then why bring us all down here? Just to scold us? And that exchange with Gretta was a definite threat, Gordon." Deborah paced around the room her frown growing deeper with each circuit.

"Look if it will ease your mind let's go and have a talk with the others."


"I don't--"

"Gretta Lawrence?"

"Deb, please let's not start. I admire the woman's reputation, okay? I love yours."

The pacing stopped and she looked at him. "Gordon Hardy, this is not funny."

"I wasn't being funny, Deb. I mean it. Tomorrow we'll get together with the others and figure something out." He held out his hand.




"You were pretty feisty in there, Parker." Des sat at the dressing table and nervously removed her makeup.

"That guy scares the hell out of me, Des. I don't like this one bit."

"None of us do. It's weird. That Gretta, my God did you hear what he said she did?"

"She sounds like a guardian of the galaxy. Arny puzzles me. How does a guy like that wind up with Wonder Woman?"

"Having fantasy wishes, Parker?"

"Mmm, lead me not into temptation . . . I can find my own way."

"How about finding a way out of here. I'm not comfortable at all with that man."

"I'll speak to Gretta."

Des turned around on the chair and studied her partner. She knew the more jokes he made, the more worried he was. She was worried too, what they had done, according to Malcolm, was really nothing compared to some others, but they were all in the same boat.

"We will talk with the rest, Parker. I'm sure they're all having the same conversation."

"Twelve angry guests. Let's hope we can come up with a satisfactory verdict."

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