Chapter 16

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Miller poked Arny. "Should we go see where he came from? Maybe there's more, or other stuff we might use."

"Gretta said to wait and keep an eye out." Arny answered doubtfully.

"What, is she your mother or something?"

"No, she isn't my mother or something. She's a friggin' formidable force you better not f-"

"Shhh, look!" Miller pointed and pulled Arny down behind the bushes.

Malcolm was coming from behind the villa, and sneaking up onto the front steps. In his hands he carried an assault rifle.

"We need to warn them!" Miller started.

Arny did the pulling this time. "What would you suggest, calling out?"

Malcolm's walkie-talkie crackled and he cursed, slipping behind a pillar as the two men nervously watched.

"Don't call me, you idiot! I told you what I was doing. . . .Yes, fine, fine, you distributed the communicators. . . . Then communicate for God's sake, just not with me! I will call you. Do you understand? . . . Good." Malcolm jammed the talkie back onto his hip still cursing loud enough for Arny and Gordon to hear.

"They may have military weapons, but I don't think we're dealing with Special Forces here." Arny whispered. "When he gets inside, we'll follow – quietly and carefully."

There was a loud crack and Arny jumped. "What the-?"

"This branch will make a good club, you want one too?"

". . . No, thank you, Miller . . ."

Malcolm disappeared inside and they darted across the roadway and up the steps, pausing to listen and peer around the entrance.

"There he goes up the stairs over there." Arny led the way across the foyer. When they reached the steps they looked up and Malcolm was standing at the top aiming his rifle at them.

Miller held up his branch.


As they stepped out of the room, they saw Malcolm with his rifle pointed down the stairs. Gretta clamped her hand over Billy's mouth and eased her back through the door.

"Stay here and watch for anyone else coming." Gretta whispered.

"What are you going to do?" Billy whispered back.

"Deal with Mr. Forrester." She checked the rifle they had confiscated and went back to the door, peered out and saw Malcolm raise his gun to sight.

"Over here, Forrester!" She called, dropping and rolling across the hall to the railing.

Malcolm spun around and fired at where he thought a person would be standing, then cried out as a single round passed through his thigh. The gun flew from his hand and he stumbled sideways, crashing into the wall and sliding down, all the while screaming in pain.

Gretta jumped up and ran toward him just as Arny and Miller reached the second floor.

"You boys okay?"

"Jesus! I thought we were goners!' Miller leaned a hand on the rail and stared at Malcolm.

"You had your branch," Arny said, grinning at his superwoman partner.

"Funny, Wainright. Where's Billy?"

"Here!" She ran out of the room and into his arms.

"Grab his gun and that walkie-talkie, and help me get him downstairs."

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